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I write more than one post in a day because I'm bored...or maybe I forgot something. Today I'm doing it because I'm a little ticked off.

JC refuses to get a MySpace account. That's ok with me. I don't care. His reason is that MySpace is the Devil! And before we broke up and during our break-up I would have agreed with him whole heartedly. There's so much gossip that gets spread around when you have people on your friend's list that know each other really well, or are just extremely immature. But, since we've been back together, I've let a lot of the stuff with his friends on MySpace go. And my life has been much better for it, and so has our relationship. I don't feel like there is someone constantly meddling. Now I just try to mostly stick to the people that I's been a great place to keep in touch with my old high school friends, and I've met a couple of people through there that I'm glad I got to know...I also, for some weird reason respond to emails more than I do over at my regular email account. Anyway...I like being on MySpace. As long as I keep to the people I trust. And I do have other people on there that maybe I don't so much, but as long as I keep everything on a mature one can do anything to "harm" me.

With all that said...out of nowhere today I get some random email from a girl asking me why I go to her page so much if she doesn't even know me. I actually do know her. She works with JC, and she's really good friends with his ex-girlfriend. The ex-girlfriend that tracked me through Dolce Vita Jess. She literally tracked me down because she doesn't know Jess either. Which made me feel really violated. I mean it's one thing for her to stalk me on MySpace...I say great...have at it! It's there for you to see...and technically this blog is, too...I mean it's out there, but the idea that she had to go through a little trouble to find my "private" blog made me feel...I don't know...really angry, and like I said violated. JC confronted her about it at some point when we were getting back together, and as far as I know she hasn't been back...maybe...she could have changed her IP address somehow or something...OR maybe the girl that emailed me today checks it out because she has a San Antonio address which is much harder for me to know who it might be. I used to hardly check my Statcounter at all until this girl started her crap.

Ok, so this girl sends me this email today. And I have been to her MySpace page. For me, when I'm on MySpace, because I have dial-up, sometimes it's easier for me to get from page to page of my friends or when I'm just bored and browsing by clicking on people I don't care about, but have a link to where I want to go. To me this is called smart...quick...easy... And I have not been to her site very often at all...I definitely don't linger. But it made me pretty angry. I have ignored the email so far, but I really want to tell that little girl that she has some serious issues. But I think I'll leave it alone. Let her think whatever she wants. I just needed to vent. I feel like she's trying to start shit with my relationship somehow because of the ex-girlfriend.

Well, she can try. But hmmm...I think there are plenty of reasons why JC broke up with the other girl and left it that way. Unlike coming back to me. This is all so petty and really dumb, and I'm insulting myself by even giving any of this "air time". I just have felt too much interference from a lot of different people, and I don't like it. I feel like a protective lioness, and I don't like it when my daughter, or JC, or my friends, or my LIFE feel threatened in anyway...even if it is by some dumb little girl.


Anonymous said…
That is crazy! I didn't even know you could track people that click on your myspace page and I would not have the FIRST idea how to track down someones personal blog! And sometimes it is just fun to browse around myspace, especially if you are bored - I totally agree with that. I would be irritated if I were you, too, but I woudl not even respond. Why even give it the time? -Steph
ps-speaking of blogs, I NEED ONE!!!! I was thinking I want to have one before my wedding so Icould post things on that subject.....we'll see, otherwise after! :) Later!
The thing is that on MySpace I don't know how she did either. I used to have a Statcounter on there, but MySpace banned it. I'm sure there are ways, but I don't know how...and I'd like to consider myself kind of computer savvy. A little.

I do have a Statcounter on this page. It's kind of easy just sign up for one, and put the code on your page. MySpace just doesn't use Java script, so they don't work there. And like I said in my blog, I don't usually pay attention to it, or didn't until this girl started bustin' in on me. You can only tell what city someone is from anyway...that's why I can't really tell when someone from SA has been here.

Yea...the ex-girlfriend must have clicked on Jess' MySpace link...seen her link to her blog, and then she must have gone through every single list on the side scroll where my blog is listed...until she found me, and my name is not listed...a little psycho if you ask me. took a lot of strength not to respond, and I just talked to JC who said he thinks I probably should have emailed her back. But I think I'm right, too. I shouldn't stoop to that level.
Anonymous said…
Whose stalking who? What? I couldn't really follow what you were writing but I blame my lack of intelligence more than your writing skills. Anyway,,,write enough blogs today?
It's not your lack of intelligence, or my writing's your lack of "caring". It makes you scan...not READ! And you know this, MAN!

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