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"...swimming in a fish bowl..."

I had a really great weekend! And what a great thing to be able to start this blog off by saying that! I'll be the first to admit that this blog can be very sappy, emotional, bitchy, complaining, negative, and a whole lot of other things like that. I don't very often put down good, positive things. I mean I think I do, but I know that most of the time I don't. There is a disclaimer on my side scroll though that says, "This is my place to vent, so if I sound negative and jaded...get over it!" Or, just don't read. I have been writing and expressing on this thing for over 2 years now, and it really has been so cathartic. I love being able to say things that are on my mind that I wouldn't say in my everyday life. That's been a little bit tainted every now and then like when my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend starts reading, or when MY ex-boyfriend finds it, and uses things that I said that are so far away from "him", and takes things I say offensively, or when my sister starts to read and she thinks that I'm talking about her and I'm absolutely not. That really hurts. It hurts because I don't want her to think that I would ever say things like that about her. I gave her the address here, and I want her to be able to read if she wants to without taking offense. Recently another friend who I also gave the address of this blog to has taken offense to whatever I said in my last blog. I don't know how to react to that, or any of the other situations I said above. I like to be myself here. I like to write here to have an outlet for myself. If there is something in GENERAL that is going on I just relate how I'm feeling. I have never put some kind of hidden attack on here...ever...Most of the time I don't even know what I'm saying...I just start having a moment, and I sit down and let it all pour out and hope that it will make sense. But in the end...I love have readers...I love having people comment...I love that I have met so many great people...mostly women through this medium, and I love that I've been able to connect with them. I don't want this to be taken as a personal attack by anyone who should read. And...I feel really bad when people do. However, like now...I meant to just write about my weekend...which I am getting to, but then stuff just comes pouring out...and...hmmm...SO...I feel bad if I think I write something offensive...wait...I feel bad if someone takes things wrong and gets offended without even asking me about anything, but at the same time I want to say, "How dare you?" How dare you take my pain, misery, my disease - depression, my worries, my fears, my happiness...and make it about you...This is just's my outlet...and especially if I have invited you into my "blog world"...I would hope you know me well enough to know what it is that I'm about, what it is I'm trying to say, and if I have personally invited you here...then you should be a person that I've talked about all this stuff with in person anyway...I guess that's all I have to say about that. This came out of most of my "emotional" blogs do. ON TO THE FUN STUFF!!!!

Friday night JC and I went downtown San Antonio, which most locals don't do very often. We hung out at this place Leapin' Lizards. It was so much fun. Then we kind of hopped over to a couple of other bars, but nothing was going on, so we went back to LL's. One of JC's other friends showed up, and one thing to lead to another, and this was kind of the only bad part of the weekend...well kind of...I lost it...again...again in a bar. I cried, yes, I let things go. I tried to explain myself. We ended up at JC's apartment where his roommate and I kind of came clean with each other, and I kind of just let it all out. It was such a relief. I also felt really good because I made myself available to someone that I don't really know and they needed someone to be there for them. Needless to say I didn't go to bed until 6am...very, very drunk.

Saturday morning we had to be up really early for a morning after a night of drinking. JC had a Fantasy Football draft, and I was meeting up with some friends from high school. One of which was in town just for the weekend, and I've known him since kindergarten. I had the worst hangover! I couldn't function to save my life. I called my friend Mando who was going with me to meet our other friend from out of time, and cried my eyes out asking him to please just help me get through the day. And he was really great getting to catch up with him. Then I laid in bed all day watching Project Runway re-runs.

later on Saturday Josh and I went to Joe's Crabshack, and then we went to see Little Miss Sunshine!!! You HAVE to see this movie!!! You have to!!! It is so heart felt, but it's still a REAL comedy. Much more funny than drama...I could watch that movie over and over and over again. And I so appreciate Josh for being persistant and making me get out of bed and go see it. I really didn't want to. Well, I just really didn't want to get out of bed. I, of course, would rather be there crying and feeling sorry for myself these days than anything else.

So, then I met up with JC at Karma, we went to Rebar, had a couple of beers, but I just didn't feel like being out or drinking, and we both agreed that we were broke, and we were just having a great conversation which we could have at my house all the same without spending any money (there was beer in my fridge), and we could be naked doing it. So...that's what we did.

Sunday we woke up fairly early and headed out to Fiesta Texas. We both had such a great day! Extremely exhausting and painful on my very under worked muscles, but so fun. We paid the extra $10 to ride the Tempest...look it was pretty intense. The weird thing was that when we were standing in line for this one was one...and everyone stepped off looking completely speechless...not scared. Then we climbed aboard and I knew why. It was scary, but there was tis kind of excitment about it that just completely takes your breath away...your sitting so high above San Antonio...just in complete awe...I was so happy to be able to share that with JC.

We left around 7...dead...with nothing left to give. Went back to JC's so I could use his phone charger...since my package from Jessica with my charger in it hasn't arrived yet (you have no idea how much I miss my phone!!!)...I fell asleep while he played video games. Then we met up with some friends at Coco Beach for a couple of beers, woke up this morning feeling like shit...talked a little, went back to bed, woke up, took JC to work, and then I picked up Gabby.

New week starts tomorrow. I have made a list. A small list of the very few things I hope to accomplish tomorrow. Wish me luck. Pray to the monkey gods that I can get out of bed.

If there is anything that should prove how spontaneous my posts are it's how many freakin' typos I make from not having complete thoughts, and from typing to fast to get them out. I look back after I post and see them all, but...I don't really have to patience to go back and fix them. They are what they are in the moment. It's all about the moment when I'm here.


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