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I guess I should start out saying that JC is ok. As well as can be expected. He seems to be kind of in "good spirits", but that could just be the Vicodin talking, or his overwhelming ability to just always be in good spirits. That is who he is.

I was not prepared. Last night his roommate called saying that he kind of wanted to stay here, but he wasn't sure about Gabby's reaction. She told me his eyes were just a little puffy. I told her to remind him that when Gabby's home, he always sleeps on a made up bed on the floor...and I would feel really bad about I promised I'd be over first thing this morning, and he went home.

He answered the door, and I lost it even though I told myself I wouldn't. He looks pretty bad. Almost unrecognizable. His body, mouth, stuff are ok except for some bruised ribs and a ripped off pinky nail. It's his eyes and the back of his head that are pretty bad...3 staples in the left backside, one on the left backside, and one on his forhead. Three stitches in the corner of his right eye. His right eye is completey swelled shut. Both eyes are the darkest purple you can imagine. His left orbital socket is broken right around the top of his nose. That's the one that's worrisome even though it looks better than the right one. It's causing some hemorraging in his ethmoid sinuses.

He said the worst part about it was that in this well lit area, with people walking back and forth between this stip of one would stop and help. I can't believe it, but I do...I just watched a 20/20 or something about this guy pretending to kidnap a little girl, and no one would help. How sad this world is that we live in. The guys who finally did help, tried to chase down the two guys, were managers of the bars, and friends, but they didn't even recognize him.

So, we're going to see an ENT tomorrow to make see if they want to do anything about the fracture. Otherwise it's just going to take 5 or 6 days for most of the swelling to go down, and for him to be able to open his right eye. And then he can possibly go back to work. They don't want him walking, blowing his nose (have I ever mentioned that his the worst allergies I've ever seen! He has to blow his nose all the time...I don't know how he's going to do it...especially with his really bad asthma, too), coughing, sneezing, or throwing up...all of which will put too much pressur on his eyes.

I had to stop and put my head between my knees a lot today. It was mostly just the thought of what those guys did to him than what he looks like, but that probably contributed to me wanting to pass out every 5 minutes. He had been in such a "good mood" when I got there, was kind of joking and stuff, and he said, "I'm sorry I'm so ugly." And me...being stupid, thinking it was ok to joke said, "It's ok, I still love you." And then he lost it. He's not just...hurts to look at him.

I just can't believe someone would do this...Turns out it wasn't even really about "robbing" him...drunken guys mistook his identity for someone else.

So, tomorrow, I get to try and be very brave, and comb the dried blood out of his hair with a damp comb because he can't get the stitches and staples wet for 48 hours. Say a prayer for me...and for him. It's really hard for me to try and keep it together. I had to go buy him a new inhaler and called my mom...I cried a couple of times when I first got there, but I could tell it was upsetting suck it up I did.

Hopefully those guys will get what's coming to them, and JC won't be too traumatized after this. I think he's going to be completely ok. We'll know more tomorrow after he sees the ENT. And I'll keep everyone updated. Thanks!!!


Anonymous said…
Wow....that is guys are in my thoughts and I hope he is OK!!!

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