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I feel like a real life SIMS character these days...Other people HAVE to be controlling my life!!! It's not supposed to happen this way!

I really, really needed for Gabby to go to her dad's this weekend. She really, really wanted to go. I think JC needs more TLC now than he did when this first happened. Now is when the emotional crap starts to set in, and I don't think he wants to be alone at night. But, well, she can't. Because when I really, really need him...he's just not there. In fact, he gets his ass put in jail because he didn't pay a fine. Great!

His mom, Gabby's grandma begged me not to say anything to Gabby. She made it sound like it would be the best thing for her, but really she wanted me to keep it from Gabby because she doesn't want her son to look bad. God forbid he has to take responsibility for something he did! After talking to my mom last night, I've decided not to lie to her when she asks why she can't talk to or see her dad. He made a mistake, and I'm not going to hide that from her. Kids know what's going on...and I think, at least by this age - 8, that keeping it from her hurts her more. Of course there are different levels of explaination for her age.

I told her what had happened to JC, but when I showed my sister the picture from my phone, I didn't let Gabby see it. And JC and I had agreed that it might be too hard on her to see him, mom said the night she watched her that Gabby was really upset about JC, and part of that was probably because I was keeping something from her. So, I did show her the picture last night. I mean she sees worse things when we watch Discovery Health. And, I think it made her feel better. So, no, I will not keep the fact that her dad is jail, and might be there for 30 days, from her just so he can be the "good guy" all the time. She has to eventually figure out that while he's a great playmate for her, he's not the most responsible person. And I will not bad talk him to her, I never have, but I will not lie to her either.

I sat here as I posted my last post last night, and cried and cried and cried. It was very stress relieving. I didn't quite know what I had been holding back while trying to keep how upset I've been from JC.

There's an update to the lizard incident in the comments section from that post. I've got to run! I'm running so late to see Ray Ray!


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