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I always knew Tuesdays were worse than Mondays.

Another one of those Fall is in the air mornings. It's nowhere near cold, but people get so excited about a little bit of a chill in the air. There was a guy wearing a sweater at the bagel shop. You could tell he probably bought it, and was just waiting, waiting, waiting, for the first day he could possibly put it on in TX without looking too dumb. But, buddy, it's only like 66 degrees.

So, I was on the phone with JC last night, when he asked me to hold on a sec...and then yelled, "What the fuck, dude!!!??? What the fuck!!??" At which point I guess the phone clammered to the ground, and hung up on me. I thought he was having some weird, random fight with one of his roommates...maybe someone broke in...I called once, no answer...I thought he was at home...called the second time, and one of his friends answered...he wasn't at home. He had gone to the bar to watch the end of the football game. And while standing outside saying goodnight to me, two guys jumped him and stole his wallet. They broke one of the bones in his face. I can't believe this! I haven't seen him, yet. I had Gabby, and couldn't go the hospital...stitches in the back of his head, too, I think. He seemed ok when he called me at 3am to say he was finally going home from the hurt to talk...but he said he was ok. I'm heading over to his house a little later. What shitheads some human beings are!!!


Anonymous said…
OMG! Elizabeth, is he alright??? Please let me know!!!
Jammie J. said…
Holy crap. I'm so sorry. I hope he'll be okay. Jeez.
Thank you so much for all the concern. I wrote an update post. Funny, when I wrote this particular post, I just didn't know how bad it really wasn, yet. Hence, me first writing a paragraph about Fall weather.

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