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I just spilled coffee all over my keyboard...

Friday I did it. I went up to where my sister works and took all the testing for their clerical positions. They don't let you apply for any of the jobs until you do the testing so they can see what you qualify for. I qualified for the highest clerical position. Senior Secretary, so I applied for a lot of those. I would really, really like for this job opportunity to work out. It would mean I could stay in SA, I could have lunch with my sister during the week, I would be paid well, and I would have the opportunity to go back to school and get a degree in something a little more specific. What exactly, I don't know. I can specialize my Geography degree more by getting certified in GIS because I'm already mostly there, or I would really like to do something more along the lines of biology, physiology, or maybe even geology. Something with a little more scientific background instead of cultural.'s a great opportunity. Keep your fingers crossed!

After I did that I had lunch with my sister. I met with my mom later, and we talked about some stuff, and then she said she really wanted Gabby and me to go to dinner at their house with my sister and BIL, too. So...we did...Fajitas!!! Yum!!! We drank some wine/beer, played a little Scrabble...I kicked ASS!!! Gabby - 82 (not bad for an 8-year old) sister - 107...and me...162!!! I blew them away...ok, so my I asked my dad with help on putting together one little word in the right spot...and then of course he got so caught up he didn't want to stop helping me! But he kind of made his rounds at the table and helped everyone out.

JC came over on Friday night...we tried to watch A Mighty Wind, but couldn't get that into it. So, we put on League of Extroidanary Gentlemen instead. But we were both so tired, that the last 30 minutes of the movie we were dying for it to be over so we could just go to bed. I don't really remember what we did on Saturday daytime. Oh, yea, IHOP with Gabby. I had the best Eggs Benedict in VA that I've ever had. THE best. And, I hadn't had them for a while, so I've been craving them like crazy...At IHOP I couldn't decide if I was going to order my usual...Big Country Breakfast...or the Eggs Benedict. JC said, "Try the Eggs's something new." My point was that it might not be a good idea to order Eggs Benedict from IHOP, but I did it anyway..and YUC-KY! So, now you know...don't order Eggs Benedict from IHOP. It's like when JC and I recently ordered steaks at Applebee's...not so good...don't order steaks from Applebee's ...go to a steakhouse...The Hollandaise sauce was like neon yellow at IHOP!!!

Wait...Rewind...Scratch that...I just described Saturday night instead of Friday. Friday night we finished watching Season 3 of Scrubs. Saturday I went to Barnes and Nobles with Josh after JC went to work. Gabby told Josh he stinks. I love that!

Yesterday we all were lazy and did absolutely nothing. Well, Gabby played outside all day, and went to the pool with her friends. JC and I watched Closer and Four Rooms.

Hope everyone else's weekend was as relaxing as mine! I didn't really do anything, but that's how I wanted it. I'm not sure what's on the agenda today. I stayed up till 4am last night, so I'm really, really tired. But there is lots to do this week, and I think I got a good boost from my sister on Friday to kind of keep up at least a little momentum. Looks like another dreary, possibly rainy day in SA.


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