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There's a tiny, baby gecko...DEAD...on my kitchen floor, and I'm not picking it up!!!

I hate those freakin' geckos! They freak me out. And there it is just lying on it's back. I want it out of here. Gabby seemed interested in it, so when she gets home tonight maybe I can convince her to pick it up and throw it outside since JC can't be here to do all that yucky, manly kind of stuff. I have learned to deal with having to kill the bugs. But I REFUSE to deal with the things that have squishy skin and beady eyes!!!

JC's appointment went ok yesterday. They said that the fractured bone should be ok, and just heal on it's own. The doctor was a little worried though that his eyes weren't tracking at the same speed. He wanted him to see some kind of plastic surgeon optamologist. However, the poor guys eyes and eye muscles are swelled up, and he only has one contact in. So, I think he'll be ok once all that heals. The doc said if it was tracking differently then he could have double vision. But last night he got his other contact out, put on his glasses, and voila...his swollen shut eye opened up. But the white part of that eye is almost black. You can barely tell that that eye is blue...and the other eye is soooo blue because of all the purpleness. And he's not having double vision with his glasses on. I think physically he really will be ok. Already yesterday the bruising was turning a little yellow instead of dark purple. He looks significantly more like himself. He's just not quite acting like himself. And it's a little hard to tell if it's the medicine or his frame of mind.

On Tuesday he was jokey, telling the story and stuff to everyone who called, but yesterday I could tell he was kind of depressed, and he didn't really want to answer the phone and talk to anyone that wasn't family or "immediate" friends. He's just going to have a range of emotions at this point, and hopefully all the love and support he has will help with that.

Yesterday we stopped by his work to turn in some paperwork, and one of his friends said something about coming and hanging out at his house this weekend so he wouldn't have to be stuck inside with all the same people. And then pointing at me he said, "And so you won't get too sick of that face." So, yea, I've been a little worried that he will be sick of us spending so much time together, but he said he wouldn't. I talked to my sister about it last night, and she said that he might get sick of me, but that once I left he'd probably miss me. Sure enough, I hadn't been home for more than 20 minutes last night when he called and said he missed me already, and I should hurry up and get over there in the morning. I think I just need to not be so "attentive" in terms of always asking if he's ok, if he needs anything. So, I'm just going to act like normal. Try to talk about normal, everyday the fact that my degree arrived in the mail's all final now...and that finality is setting in. I miss school.

He's not used to being cramped up in the house all the time, and I hope cabin fever doesn't set in. But he doesn't want to go out in public just yet. Going to the doctor's office yesterday was kind of hard. And people are such idiots...staring and asking what happened. I wish he would just cry or something...yell, scream, be mad...but like he said to me last night...if he knew these guys, if there was a reason for it...if it had been an actual fight over something real...maybe he could be mad, put his emotions in order...but as it was just some random occurence for no reason...which I guess would make a person continuously search for that reason.

I'm exhausted. It's emotionally exhausting, but I just keep trying to think about what he feels like. I've taken naps with him the last couple of days, and that makes it hard for me to fall asleep at night. Anyway...he'll be fine. He gets the stitches and staples out on Monday, and hopefully will be back at work on Tuesday. Maybe as Rocky instead of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

I love this man so much, and if anything, this has just solidified that. If I had any doubts before, I have NONE now.


Jessiedc28 said…
LOL about your Gecko attack!
I asked Gabby when I picked her up, "Do you want to do me a favor and pick up the gecko, and throw it outside?" She said, "Sure, mom, I'll try."

Me: What are you going to use? Do you want to use the dustpan?

Gab: No, I think I'll try my hands.

So, we got home, and I waited outside by the door. She went inside to get rid of our dead gecko.

Gab:(yelling) Is it going to be yucky? Is it squishy? Have you ever touched a lizard before?

Me: Yes, Yes, and no.

Gabby starts screaming, running out the front door, and flings the gecko across the lawn.

She screamed, but she tried it, and it worked. THANKS GABBY!!!

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