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Just call me Old Yeller from now on.

On Sunday evening JC and I had decided to watch Four Rooms while Gabby was swimming with her friends. My only working DVD player is in my living room, so I was watching with the remote in my hand, ready to push stop at any moment if Gabby came back because the movie has a lot of adult content. In the first "room" there's a coven of witches performing a ritual. Ione Skye is topless. And of course, during the only half nude scene in the movie, Gabby decides to come bounding through the door, all done with swimming. My finger faltered...I hit pause instead...Ione Skye's boobs front and center...Gabby said, "Ewe...GROSS...BOOBS!!!" I hit stop as fast as I could.

It was getting to be about that time, so I told Gabby to go get in the bathtub to get ready for bed. She said, "No way! I'm not leavin'!"...And she has hit that age where she argues with me about EVERYTHING! "Five more minutes mom! Can't I eat dinner first? I'm thirsty! Let me watch 5 minutes of cartoons, and then I'll take a bath!" Everything she can think of she argues about...And me in between all of her arguments, "Gabby, you can eat dinner after your bath...If you take a bath now and hurry you can watch some cartoons before bed...Get a glass of water and take it to the bathroom." All the while my voice is getting firmer and louder...Finally, fed up...I screamed, "NOW!!!" She hung her head, stomped her feet, and said, "Fine, Yeller!" As she's walking to the bathroom, I look at JC who is trying his hardest to supress giggling. Trying to apologize, and saying, "You have to admit that was kind of funny!...Yeller...?" Yeah it kind of was, but then he continued..."That's you...Old Yeller!"

I tease him about being younger than me all the time, and not knowing things like who Mr. Belvedere was, or when the grunge era actually started (He thought was 1991-1992...). So, I had to let it doesn't tease me quite as often for being 5 years older than he is. But, I will not put up with actually having the nickname of "Old Yeller"...I don't like it at all! And he better not tell Gabby about it. It was bad enough when she was 3-5 years old and she used to call me "Ms. Miller".

She got in trouble...I told her to go to time-out, or something like that...and she said something very similar to above, "Fine. Ms. Miller." I asked who Ms. Miller was, and she told me it was the nanny/maid (who is OLD!) on Alvin and the Chipmunks. She continued this for nearly 2 years. Everytime she was in trouble she'd call me Ms. Miller...actually it was kind of cute, and that's a great memory, but "Old Yeller" is just not as cute!


Anonymous said…
Kids say the funniest things! :)
I wish I could remember more of the funny stuff she says.

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