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A couple of movies, Crabby Jack's, and a little Dancing.

Friday I really, really wanted a nap. I tried. Thought I could squeeze one in, but Josh was just oo excited to have the day off and be going to a movie with me. We went and ate at a pizza buffet first. The only time this weekend that I ate extemely horrible. Then we headed to the theatre to see the Black Dahlia. As we were walking towards the ticket collector man, I was busy trying to situate things...put something in my back pocket, get my glasses out of my purse...So, I wasn't paying that much attention when Josh just stopped short...the ticket collector wasn't handing back the tickets...that's when I realized that the ticket collector man was a mentally handicapped kid. He had taken the tickets from Josh, and was holding them off to the side...the side away from us, half ripped, in both of his hands...and he had just paused...stared at Josh, and then this conversation pursued:

Ticket Collector (TC) - still holding tickets: How are you?

Josh: I'm good, you?

TC: Fine (Still holding on to the tickets)

TC: Is this your girlfriend?

(Awkward moment where Josh and I look at each other...I was tempted to say, "Yes.")

Josh:, no, no...just my friend.

TC: Just your friend? Cooooooool. (Still holding our tickets away from us)

TC: What's your name? (Witholding tickets)

Josh: Josh.

TC: What's your name? (To me, witholding our tickets!)

Me: Elizabeth

TC: Elizabeth? Ooooooooooohhhhh...(WITHOLDING THE DAMN TICKETS!)

(Then he looked at me up and down. First going down...pausing at my chest in a very obvious manner for waaaaaay too long...then down to my crotch, and back to my chest. WITHOLDING THE DAMN TICKETS!!!)

I kept thinking any day now he's going to hand Josh those stinkin' tickets. Finally he handed them over...Josh and I were trying to take them and run while the TC was still mumbling something about which theatre, and have a good show. The way he looked at me made me feel sooooo wasn't a subtle "I think you're hot look" was blatant, obvious, and extremely degrading. For a split second I thought about telling the guy behind the popcorn counter to get his manager. And then I didn't. Josh and I kind of nervously giggled all the way to the theatre. There were no words. It was funny, but creepy at the same time. And maybe I really should have said something to a manager...I mean I definitely would have if the guy hadn't been mentally, that shouldn't have kept me from doing it this time. But, too late now, and I'm just chalking it up to a weird experience from this past weekend.

Met up with JC at Crabby Jack's with some other friends, and just hung out. It was a rather relaxing, sitting around and talking kind of night. I met my friend Fern's new boyfriend, and he and I sat around watching JC and Fern eat oysters on the half shell...gagging.

Saturday morning JC and I layed around, and then I took him to work. I met up with my sister, we had lunch at Jason's Deli...I did good! Then I went with her to get her haircut by the guy that's been cutting my hair for something like over 10 years. She said she wanted body, something bigger...he gave her the exact same haircut as mine...I could tell she wasn't too happy, and felt really bad. I hope she likes it now that she's had a chance to do her own thing to it. I have to admit that I always hate my hair the way he styles it, but once I take over, I always know that I got a great cut.

There wasn't much else to do that day without spending money so we went home. But then I got home, and Josh called wanting to do something,, I picked him up and headed to the mall. I knew I shouldn't have. I tried on a shirt...and $80 shirt. I loved it. It was super cool, fit awesomely, and I really, really wanted it. I said, "Josh, buy me this shirt!" He said no of course. So, I called JC...he was at work and didn't answer. I called my mom, she said, "Can you wear it for a job interview?" No I couldn't. She said, "Ask your dad." I did. He said, "Well, I'll give you an advance on the money I'm giving you next month." He's been giving me a little money every month, for 5 months as my graduation present. I thought, nah...if someone else wanted to give me a little extra money to buy it, I would take it, but I didn't want to spend the money I need to live on, so I let it go. But I still really, really want it.

Dropped Josh off, came home, got caught up in watching Kill Bill Vol. 1. Jumped in the shower, and the next thing I knew JC was calling to tell me he was off of work, and ready to go. I was no where near being ready. We went out with some his two roommates and Fern to this gay bar strip here in SA. I've been to lots of gay clubs before, I think they're more fun, no one tries to grossly pick you up if you're a girl, and there's dancing, of course. But the one we went to this night was a little weird. I mean usually the ones I go to you would be able to tell that those guys are gay if you met them on the street. Or they would be the kind of people that are open about it. But this club on Saturday had this little country bar part, and everyone in there was around 40, and would be people you would never guess were gay. It was like some secret, hidden society. There were lots of cowboy and biker types.

It was so feakin hot! We were sweating all night. JC found out that one of the clubs was doing karaoke, and he got up to sing the was really awesome, but then the mic went off at the best part, which really sucked. So, we drank it up till 2am, and then went over to another club where we danced for the rest of the night. At some point I went to sit down (my feet were killing me). I was sitting alone, I don't know where JC and Fern were. This guy comes up to me, and starts to whisper in my ear.

"I'm not gay, and I just had to tell you you're beautiful!"

Me: Thanks

Him: I'm Italien and I love a large wide ass (at which point he spread his hands wide...a little too wide for the real size of my butt, if you ask me!)

Me: Thanks.

Him: I bet you if I asked if I could kiss your ass you'd say no.

Me: You're right. I would. Especially since my boyfriend is right over there. (Thank you, JC, for finally coming to my rescue!)

Him: Ok, well that's cool. I just wanted to let you know. And you have great cleavage. (Yea, he was trying to be right up in it!)

Then he walked away, thank god! I had already had enough of being picked up in stranged ways from Friday. What makes guys think that girls really want to hear about their big asses?!

Sunday was super emotional. I woke up really grumpy. I snapped at JC. he snapped back. I cried, and cried, and cried. We went to the pizza buffet (ok, second time this weekend I ate horribly!), where the busboy came up to me when JC went to get more pizza, and preceded to hit on another very strange way. He kept asking me something about the chair. I'd answer and go back to eating my pizza. He kept doing it. Then he must have seen JC coming back, so he said, "I think you're beatiful", and he RAN away...I swear he RAN!!! I must seriously give off this aura to realy weird, creepy people, saying, "Please talk to me!" Does that sound rude? Sorry, but it's true..."normal" people hardly ever talk to me. It's always the creepy ones that you could imagine slitting your throat in the middle of the night.

JC and I went to see the Last Kiss. More emotional shit. The movie was really good, but don't go see it thinking you're going to be laughing more than you cry. It's all about "growing up", doing the things you're supposed to do, etc. Which has been the topic of most of mine and JC's discussions. So, it was kind of hard. We were going to do a movie marathon, but were drained from that movie, so we came home, and laid in bed. I fell asleep in the crook of his arm, while he watched Kill Bill Vol. 2. He said I drooled on him.

I took JC home, and headed out to pick Gabby up from her dad's. It was sprinkling, then raining, and then I was in the middle of a hurricane. Not really, but it felt like it. I drove at 30mph for about 10 miles...which seemed to take forever! I couldn't see anything. It was soooo scary! I couldn't even see the shoulders of the highway or any of the exits, so I could pull over. The fast lane and slow lane were flooded, so I just tried to stick in the middle lane and follow the car in front of me, which was about the only thing I could see...tail lights.

Home at last, read for awhile, fell asleep fast. It was an eventful weekend. And, as far as JC and I go, it was a very good weekend. Lots of good discussions, and some weird kind of new bonding took place that I can't quite explain. And he agreed that Josh could move into our barn on the farm we're going to have, and be the nanny of my baby goat, baby monkey, and the baby bear.


Anonymous said…
I soooo want to see the movie Last Kiss!!! I was just watching the trailer lastnight...thats the one with Cameron Diaz and ....Kate Winslet??
No, but I want to see that one, too. I can't remember what that one is called. The Last Kiss is with Zach Braff and Jacinda Barrett (from Real World 4).

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