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Three in 4 hours??? SHEESH!!!

I wish that JC was a complete jerk. I wish that he had cheated on me. I wish that he had done something so horrendous like insult my mom or something that I could hate him, and be pissed off!!!! Instead I have to live with the fact that he's such a good person, and he always treated me right...better than anyone else I had ever been with, and that he's really, really someone special. WHY THE HELL CAN'T HE JUST GET IT TOGETHER??? WHY IN THE HELL DIDN'T HE LOVE ME ENOUGH TO DO THAT???


Anonymous said…
Liz- I'm a friend of Jessica's- and have been following along about JC. I just looked at your true romance blog and I think as hard as it is, you already knew something wasn't working.
"I've been needing something from him so bad."
I know it sucks-but maybe this is for the better.
See you on the 17th! :)
Jessiedc28 said…
He didn't treat you that GREAT - he just treated you nice, unlike all the rest.
Jacq said…
Listen to the ones who know you well, Liz. Sounds to me like you have some great friends out there!
Jessie - actually he did treat me pretty great, not just "nice".

Anon - Yea, but that was in context with a lot of things that were going on with me because I was sick and severely depressed because of it.

Jacq - I try. I just know what's best for ME, ya know?

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