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I can't possibly still be in recovery from last weekend can I? Maybe. I'm so freakin' tired. This whole week I've been falling asleep at the drop of a hat. I've actually been able to hang out with JC a lot more than usual this week (He had an extra day off from work due to his Fantasy Football draft...UGH! Whole nother post!...I hate football!). Yesterday he was doing something on the computer and we were talking, but then I just passed out! The day before I told him my eyes hurt and I just wanted to close them for a minute, but I wasn't going to sleep...ummm...but I did. He said I was asleep in like 5 seconds. Fine. I'm tired. But it's wrecking my life, people! I mean come on! How tired can I possibly be? I can't sleep all day! Then I can't sleep at night! I haven't been getting any sleep at night anyway because something is going on with my throat AGAIN!

It only happens at night, but I wake up about 10 times because my throat is so itchy and dry to the point where I start involuntarily swallowing like crazy, can't breathe. I've taken Benadryl the last two nights, and it seems to be the only thing that helps at all. I haven't been able to make those annoying noises that help you scratch your throat ever since I had my tonsils out. I think I just need to go see my ENT again. My dad, who is a lovely man, but no doctor, thinks that since they had to cut out more than just my tonsils (they took away some of my esophogus, too) that they may have cut away part of the lining that makes saliva. That's why it only itches and gets dry right where my tonsils used to be. I think, too, that it's my scars that are itching so bad. Whatever the case...NO SLEEP is the result!

Yes, I have rambled about sleep, but that's just because I miss being on a regular pattern. I love sleep. I need more of it! My goal today is seriously just not to fall asleep in the middle of anything!


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