I said a couple of posts ago...a month ago...that I would post the pictures from JC's birthday, and I forgot...so...here they are...
JC with "Princess Fiona" and "Lilo".

Your first thought of this picture might be that it's some kind of optical illusion, or that "Mr. Incredible" is just really tall. Well, he is kind of, but only about 6 feet tall. Really, "Velma" and "Lilo" are just really that little.
JC with Andrea and Chris, rock star shades.
JC and me...after being really, really sweaty all night.
JC standing on stage while the band Starchild sang "Happy Birthday".
JC with "Princess Fiona" and "Lilo".

Your first thought of this picture might be that it's some kind of optical illusion, or that "Mr. Incredible" is just really tall. Well, he is kind of, but only about 6 feet tall. Really, "Velma" and "Lilo" are just really that little.
