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Health Insurance BLOWS!!!!

Arrrggghhhhh!!! Ok, I needed to get that out...

I received two letters from my health insurance company saying that they couldn't pay the claims from my two emergency room visits, and I needed to send in the records from that. WHAT!? Aren't they supposed to ask for that kind of stuff? Why do I pay as much as I do a month if the service providers and insurance people can't take care of that between them?

Anyway, I was supposed to have them mailed in within 45 days of recieving the letters. Of course, that was one of the things that I put, I called today, and the stupid hospital won't send in the records per my request. The health insurance company has to request them, or I have to PAY for them, and then send them in myself! DUMB! Finally, today, I got a really nice customer service lady on the line, and she told me to write an appeal because the health insurance people denied the claims because they're saying the diagnosis was non-emergency!!! WHAT THE FUCK! Excuse me for that...moving on...they're saying that the diagnosis was non-emergency and I could have been seen in my doctor's office or in an urgent care clinic. They're right I could have. I could have definitely seen my doctor or gone to the urgent care clinic like I usually do, however, on both of these occasions, both of these resources were CLOSED!!!

I hate emergency rooms. Who wants to wait 5 freaking hours to see a doctor when they can go to an urgent care clinic and wait for 1. Believe me, I didn't want to go. Do you know the difference in the gauges of the IV needles they use at the ER vs a regular doctor! They're huge! Trust me! I know exactly how huge those needles are!

So, I wrote my fucking appeal, went to mail it, and checked my mail at the same time. Two more letters came today saying that they received my claims, they're pending, and I don't need to do anything!!! What the hell is going on? I still sent the appeal letter though. I also got my health insurance open season letter from my job in the same batch of mail. Coincidence? Maybe not.

I lived for 2 years without health insurance. It's very scary and very expensive. It is unfortunately a neccessary evil to have health insurance. But GOOD LORD! I got my breast reduction approved by my health insurance in one week when I was told it would take 4 to 6...(NOTE TO SELF: that's the next surgery...get on the ball!). But because I was dying sick, couldn't get off the floor, begged my sister and JC to call an ambulance so I wouldn't have to walk to the car, and was so sick they sent me through Rapid Treatment at the ER, now my health insurance won't freakin' approve it. Maybe I should have taken pictures of the abscess on my tonsil that I was told on my first visit to the ER that if it got worse I should go back in because it could KILL ME! Maybe then they would at least approve the second visit when it did get worse! Or maybe I could have JC write an account of what it's like when your girlfriend wakes up with a 103 degree fever, about what it's like to try to bathe that girlfriend so the fever would go down, and then have her naked on the cold bathroom floor puking her brains up, except that there was nothing to throw up because she hadn't eaten or drank anything in a week!!! And then have my sister write an account of what it was like to find that above written mess and try to get her sister dressed and carry her out to the freakin' car!

Thank you if you read my venting. I feel so much better!!!


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