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Been Thinking...

A lot about old's sad the way some relationships that used to be important to you just seem to fade away...and some you have to let go because you realize that maybe they weren't that great to begin with. Being a military brat, I clung pretty hard to all the friends I had in high school, especially the ones that actually remained here in Texas. I've realized, though, that it's the memories that count, and it's ok to just let them go...Jessie is one of those people from high school, but I'm not letting her go...we probably aren't as close as we used to be, but it's so nice to know that there is someone out there in the world who shares the same memories as me from a time that's usually pretty darn important in people's lives...the teenage years or whatever...
To the left is Prom of 1993, a year of friendship already gone by. We were probably doing nothing but discussing when we were going to get married and to whom, and how many kids we would have. To the right is the last picture we took together in Feb 2005 when I went to VA to visit her. We're working on our 13th year of friendship, and even though we haven't lived in the same state for nearly 11 years, it's still nice to know you have someone like that just a phone call away...and now our discussions are about actually getting married and the kid that I already have...weird.

Also been thinking about new friendships that you acquire later in life. They have no idea what you were like at 15, but somehow you have a more mature, intimate relationship that you can see lasting probably for the rest of your life. Your younger year friendships are always a little questionable in that department.

Joshy and me. I love this guy! We don't hang out much anymore, but I have never met someone so freakin' tolerant of me, not even JC! Who's the greatest fried mushroom getter EVER?

Mi-Mi (Andrea) has become a really, really good friend. We don't always see eye-to-eye, and we're really different, but with some things we just click, and I think the differences make it work...and we're both really tolerant of each other. It takes a village, Andrea, just remember that!

Even though JC can be put into a whole 'nother category of people and relationships I've been thinking about lately, he's seriously my best friend, too, and that's soooo important in a romatic relationship. If this works out, and we do stick with our plans of spending the rest of our lives together, then I will be the luckiest girl in the world, to say that my lover is also my best friend.

Carla, Carla, Carla, we don't hang out very often anymore either, but this girl has taught me so many life lessons. She's a lot older than me, so she has all that experience and wisdom that I seriously need sometimes, and a fashion sense to die for!

Are you tired, yet, of my sappy Cancerian posts? I think I always start these things out with saying that I'm being sappy, or LATELY I've been thinking about this and that, but the truth is, I always am...can't help myself, and I've noticed that being in a "good place" in your life, makes you just so darn appreciative of, let's get on with it...because I can't forget my family. When I was in high school, my world revolved around my friends. I had a disfunctional family like pretty much everyone, and the whole military thing, etc...well, I made my friends my family, and I think I still do that a lot, because I don't think it's possible to just say that you're immediate, blood relatives are the only "family" you takes a lot more than that to get by in life...that's why people who came before us had less depression and stuff...they lived with extended family, and their friends, and villages helped out in everything...but, it's true that blood is thicker than water, and I have the greatest family in the world. They know how lazy and selfish I am, and yet, they haven't kicked me out of the family yet...

My sister, Carolyn is the greatest sister. We fight like cats and dogs sometimes, but we always make-up and we make each other laugh like no tomorrow. Of course, there's also Gabby, but I think you've seen lots of pictures of her, and I'm not sure how my parent's would feel about me putting their pics up here...but don't worry, they're cute!

Ya know, it's a good day. i have hundreds of things to do, I'm really upset about a lot of things in my life that I can't control, and that I can, but haven't, and I still feel pretty darn miserable, I'm scared to death of getting my tonsils out and bleeding to death, but all in all, life is good, and I'm trying really, really hard to remember that these days, so that I don't let myself give in to the depression I'm prone to, and screw everything up more than I already do.

Side Note: I have to figure out something different here...I hate the way the lay-out ends up looking after you use Blogger to upload pictures. It always gets screwed up with too many spaces and stuff. I really hate it.


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