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Great Day!

I woke up this morning and had my usual morning routine when I'm not in school or working or anything...bagel, coffee, OJ, and then I read for like 2 hours. I fell asleep thanks to all the medication I'm on, and had some crazy dreams. I woke up and read for another hour or so, picked Gabby up from school, and headed to JC's to pick him up. It's his day off from his usual job, so we actually got to spend some quality time together. Gabby did her homework, and then headed off to her friend's house upstairs...and I will admit, even though it might me sound like a horrible parent, that JC and I used that time to have the some true "quality time", which is kind of fun when you're trying to be sneaky and quick and stuff...then we laid on the couch together, him reading his book, and me reading mine...I got the better end of the deal though with a complete foot massage...Then we kind of had some serious relationship talks, which has been happening a lot lately, but I think it's good. I have a lot of stuff that I have to "get over" from past relationships, and he's been so sweet and understanding in letting me just work through it. He was a little upset though because I have a hard time believing that he loves me as much as he says he does and that he's as attracted to me as he says he is. It has nothing to do with him. It's just a lot of old crap. Then Mi-Mi came over and we ate dinner, and talked, Gabby came home from her friend's and watched Fantasia with JC while Mi-Mi and I chatted on the porch. It was a really nice relaxing eveing with my daughter, the love of my life, and one of my best friends. Couldn't ask for more. Mi-Mi and JC left to go out and do karaoke tonight, and Gabby and I are off to bed...well, she's already asleep. I'm waiting for the Vicodin to kick in. I'm a little afraid that I might become seriously addicted to this stuff. I think JC is, too, especially when he told me last night that he would rather I just buy a bottle of wine to drink and sleep than to keep taking more and more painkillers. I'm just gonna have to wean myself off of them a little bit.

This weekend is my Gabby-free weekend, and I can't wait to be able to actually spend the entire night wrapped up safe and snug in JC's arms...sappy, I know. Josh's birthday is Saturday, and I need to think of something to do for that. I think we're going to Charlie Brown's for karaoke on Friday night. I haven't done that in a while, so it should be fun. Not that I ever "do" karaoke...I just sit there and watch JC with goo-goo eyes, as Mi-Mi fact, I think she threatened to punch me if I did it again one night...LOL...

I've really been neglecting this once very important blog...I love the design from desinablog, but now I'm thinking that it's a little too "dark" for me...I might do it again, and get them to do something a little brighter.


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