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Where am I?

If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time, you'll probably know that once upon a time, going to the gym was a big thing for me. Since I met J.C., fell in love with J.C., met new friends, started going to bars, and basically having a great summer that I've decided I will not feel guilty for, I haven't been to the gym in about 2 months. So, my other blog "My Diet Cliche" has been much neglected, but you should start reading it more, I will be posting more there, I think, I hope...I need to!!!

J.C. is trying to be really supportive because I asked him to, and it is helping. I know I have one more person to answer to if I don't go to the gym. And now that Ray Ray, my ex-trainer, and R, the Fitness Manager have seen me at the gym yesterday and today, and have had "talks" with me, I have to answer to them as well. Most importantly, I need to start answering to myself!

That is all. The end. Good day.


Anonymous said…
Bouna Notte Liz,
You are right the only person you need to answer is to your self. You are your own person who can make the right calls. So what if you have not gone to the gym in two months. As long you feel secure within your self and besides JC should accept you the way you are. "Love me for who I am and for what you want me to be. In return I will love you unconditionaly" Tell him that. He should reply with a yes answer. I on the other hand think you look fantabulous!!!! If I were AC I would be proud to walk next to you hand in hand. Chin and chest out and with a mental thought of look at my beautiful girlfriend. So is your pretty little Gabby ready to head back school? Has AC met your parents? If so what did they think of him? Listen I just got home from the gym and have a little snack. I too have been slacking off by not going to the gym. As always it's a pleasure to read more of you. Ciao Bella Fiore.

I'm not sure if I'm just really bad at expressing the way I feel or what, but I didn't mean for J.C. to come across in this post as someone that is forcing me to go to the gym. He loves me whether I go or not. I AM the one that is insecure and wanting to get back into it, and I asked him if he would just be really supportive, and give me a hard time every now and then so that I have a little more motivation. He loves me just the way I am, even though I've gained 20lbs since I met him. It's all me, and I'm not very good about answering to myself, so it helps me out a lot when I have a lot of people in my life helping me to be on the right track.

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