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Strep Throat - Here we go again...

I had strep throat right at the beginning of summer, then a couple of weeks ago, I think I had it again. I didn't go to a doctor, and I had some antibiotics here, so I took them, and felt a little better. But my throat has been hurting for a couple of weeks off and on. This week it came back with a vengance, and when I got my goodnight call from J.C. I could barely talk. So, I will be going to see a doctor today. I called into work, but I can't miss classes today . . . that's gonna suck. There's nothing worse than having to walk on campus and sit in class when you feel all clammy, sweaty, and cold when your fever breaks. I don't know why I can't just get over this. My tonsils feel like they're filling up the back of my throat. I keep looking at my toothbrush with a suspicious eye because the first time I had strep, the doctor told me to change my toothbrush in 5 days, and I didn't do it . . . gross . . . I can just imagine all the little bacteria living on my toothbrush . . . If I have strep throat again this time, DON'T LET ME FORGET TO CHANGE OUT MY TOOTHBRUSH BY AT LEAST NEXT WEDNESDAY!!!


Jessiedc28 said…
I have been told that if you take antibiotics from an older prescription and you don't take a whole prescription (like left over pills) that not only will the infection come back but WORSE. Also -- don't forget to eat yogurt. You don't want to double up the problem.
Jammie J. said…
I think you're actually supposed to change your toothbrush, like, every 6 weeks or something. Especially after a cold or ENT infection.
Anonymous said…
Hey There i'm sorry that not feeling well. I just read that i was just the next jerk, i see how it is.i don't think that i was i jerk i was just in love with you and you didn't want me like i wanted you at least thats what you said. You did some things that made you a bitch to me, and i did some things that made me an asshole but i loved you and was forgiving and i still love u, that's how i let u go. I put my love with you and Gabby and you really didn't see my insides about how i felt about You and Gabby, i would have jumped in front of a speeding car just to save either of you. you were my best friend, but know i just think about yall and i cry. don't put things on the net that make other people feel like shit. I just had i dream about you last night and you were nice to me in my dream and thats how i found this because i really missed you.
I just wanted to find a recent picture of you. I hope you get well even if you think that i am a jerk.
I may need to change to address to this blog. This recent comment from the ex pretty much scares me to death. It scares me that he hasn't moved on, and is still stalking me by searching for me on the net. I read about other people's dramas with comments on their blogs, and have been thankful that this has been an outlet for me, and I haven't had any problems...but I guess that has gone out the window...and I do want to clarify that in another post I said that this particular ex was nice to me, but he had issues, I didn't really mean that he was a "jerk", but he has caused problems in my life, and I was simply filling out a simple survey...I don't know what to do about this...other than change the location of this blog...I didn't want this guy to know anything about my life, so he could possibly try to ruin anything good going on in my just sucks...
Anonymous said…
yes i have come to accept what you
have moved on to. I just needed someone to talk to. you were the person i could talk to but not always relate to.
Anonymous said…

You want to talk to someone about it - call me. You have my number somewhere I'm sure. We can have a little chat. Other then that -- you need to man up to the fact that Lizzy isn't your friend now. You have friends of your own.

And I will give you a little piece of advice that I was given back when Mario left me: It's always harder to let go even when you know it's best thing. Don't take the easy way out.


Leave her alone. She's happy. You're having a bad day. She's not. Call another friend. Go to a spa. Smoke a bowl. Play guitar. Throw some Karate chops in the front yard. Think about what's best for Gabby and how confusing it would be for you to reappear right now. Or you can ALWAYS call me and I'll let you have it like I used to. I'm pretty clear headed when it comes to expressing myself.

Anonymous said…
Kaycee said…

I am so sorry that someone has invaded your world and decided to shit in your yard. Its not a nice thing. I would hope that this person, would realize that we dont' poop in other peoples yards and that there are certain women that you just can't eff with.

Love always,


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