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High School Drop-Out

I spent many years having to live up to the fact that I was a high school drop-out. Yes, that's right, I have a G.E.D. I always hated telling people that. I felt like I needed to explain and put an asterik next to it to say, "But I made straight A's in school. Please believe me! I was just a very rebellious teenager who thought she knew everything by the age of 16!" If you had asked my friends from high school, Jessica included, they would have probably voted me as LEAST likely to succeed. And here I am . . . about to graduate from college in approximately 3 months. I will have a Bachelor's of Art in Geography with a minor in Anthropology. I really, truly didn't think I would make it to this point. I'm pretty sure no one else did either. A lot of the people I've met in college are kind of privaleged "children", and they seem to think that getting a college degree is just another part of life, but for me it really wasn't. This will be my greatest accomplishment, and I'm looking at continuing to get my Master's.

This last semester I feel like I really need to make some resolutions:
1. I will try as hard as possible to keep senioritis at bay.
2. I will actually pick up a book and enjoy learning (which isn't too hard for me anyway), and realize that this time will only come once in my life.
3. I will be more involved with this like the Geography Society and the Anthropology Club.
4. I will talk to people and be more open. That's what this whole experience is about anyway, right? Learning, meeting people, networking?
5. And maybe I should think about starting my papers a couple of weeks in advance instead of the night before they're due.

My class load this semester looks like this:

1. Geography and Politics of the Asian Rim
2. Intro to Primate Diversity
3. Social and Cultural Change
4. Survey of Nutrition

I'm excited! I have two really great anthropology classes that are always super happy fun interesting to me, a geography class with my favorite professor, and a health class which fuels my love of all things dealing with the human body. I'm sure there are plenty of things that could go wrong this semester, but ya know, I have great parent's who help me a lot, my sister and brother-in-law are super supportive and just moved here to San Antonio, I'm dating a man that I love more than anything, I have a happy, healthy daughter, and supportive friends. Only good things, Samantha, only good things . . .


Anonymous said…
I would NOT have said you're the least likely to succeed. I would have said something along the lines of "you're the most likely to suceed at making straight A's, but the BIGGEST enemy of yourself and, therefore, it's gonna be awhile before you suceed."
No, I think pretty much everyone doubted that I would ever finish. :)

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