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Staying Here

I think for now I'm keeping my blog right where it is. Thanks, though, to everyone who wanted to keep reading! That always makes me feel good! It's not a game, but I really hate feeling like someone else is "winning" and making me do things I don't want to do . . . so, for now, I'll be right here as always, unless something feels "not right" or whatever.

With my new school and work schedule J.C. and I don't have a lot of time to spend together, but this weekend is my childless weekend, and even though I miss Gabby when she's gone, it's really nice to drop J.C. off at work and say, "See you later", rather than, "I'll call you".

Last night we went out to a couple of bars. I was really doped up on Motrin so that I felt better, and so, I got wasted pretty quickly. It turns out I just have a serious sinus infection instead of strep throat, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me since I don't have a runny nose, no pressure in my nose, I'm not congested or coughing. It's just my throat and all the glands in my neck that are swelled up, but I guess the doctor thinks it's a sinus infection because he tapped on my checks and it did freakin' hurt. So, I'm on antibiotics, some cought medicine for the cough that I don't have, and I have to use Nasonex . . . hmmm . . . I hate that stuff! It makes me gag!

As we were leaving the bar last night, J.C. and I both looked at each other and said we were starving, and right at that moment, J.C. looked up and said, "Perfect! It's the Tamale Lady!" So, he grabbed her attention and ordered 6 beef/6 chicken tamales. The poor Tamale Lady must be the hardest working woman in all of San Antonio. She probably deals with drunks all the time, poor thing.

Tamale Lady: You want 6 beef/6 chicken? No bean and cheese?

J.C.: Yes, but no, no bean and cheese.

Tamale Lady: No bean and cheese?

J.C.: No, no bean and cheese.

Tamale Lady: Ok, you stay right here!

J.C.: Ok, we'll be right here.

Tamale Lady: You stay right here? I'll be right back . . . YOU STAY HERE!

J.C.: Ok, we're staying RIGHT here!

Tamale Lady: Ok, I'll be right back . . . you stay HERE!

And back she came with our tamales all hot and wrapped up, but can you imagine how many times she probably has to go chasing down a bunch of drunks who run off after they place an order! It's too funny. So, J.C. drove us to a friend's house as I unwrapped tamales and handed them over and then unwrapped one for myself. For anyone who doesn't live where Mexican food is a staple . . . actually if you've never eaten Mexican food in San Antonio, you probably won't understand, but there is nothing better than greasy tamales or breakfast tacos after a night of drinking! One of our friends who was supposed to meet up at the other friend's house never showed up and we got a call this morning at like 8 (not a very good time for one sick/hungover person and another just hungover person) saying that that friend was arrested last night for a DWI. That really sucks!

It was a really great night. The one good thing about not seeing J.C. all that often is that the time is spend together is that much better. After the phone call at 8am, we woke up and laughed at silly stupid stuff (we were both probably still drunk), and then went back to sleep for a little while. Today I think I'm going to grab Josh and go see Mr. Incredible's band play at this Wordstock thing. It sounds like it could be fun. They go at 530, so I actually should be going and get ready!



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