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Are you shocked? Two posts in one day!!!

Ok, I've been such a shitty blogger person lately that I'm going to do this thing because I was tagged by Min Pin Momma . . .

10 Years Ago:
I was working at a Telemarketing firm
I was with Gabby's dad
I got high or drunk everyday
I drove a 1976 Datsun 280Z
I lived with my parents

5 Years Ago:
Gabby's dad and I broke up and he moved out
I went back to college
I was dating the next jerk, Gabby's dad's best friend
I weighed 240lbs
Gabby was only 2-years old

1 year Ago:
I was single
I was extremely depressed
I met the AOC
I was hanging out with Josh everyday

I went to J.C.'s house and we took a nap together
J.C. and I worked out some issues
I went to dinner with Josh and Gabby at Mamacita's
J.C. and I had another argument towards the night time hours
I cried my eyes out

It's Sunday (laundry day)
We have to go buy Gabby school supplies
I will be getting ready for the week ahead
J.C. will probably come hang out
We might go to the pool
Josh might hang out too
Or there's a Bar-B-Que Gabby and I might go to with J.C.

I enjoy:
laying by the pool
taking naps with J.C.
laying in bed and watching TV

5 bands/artists that I know the lyrics to most of their songs:
Damien Rice
Maroon 5
Pearl Jam

5 things I'd do with $100,000,000:
buy a house and car of course
buy a beach house in paradise
help with humanitarian aid programs
finally get my kid a college fund
never wash my dishes again!

5 locations I'd like to run away to:
J.C.'s apartment
a beach
a beach in Greece
anywhere without any children
a beach . . .

5 bad habits I have:
always saying "I'm sorry"
never saying no
picking fights

5 things I like doing:
anything with J.C.
baking in the sun
lifting weights

5 TV shows I like:
Queer as Folk
The Real World

5 movies I like:
Stealing Beauty
Beyond Borders
Good Will Hunting

5 people I'd like to meet:
J.C.'s mom
Angelina Jolie
Any Scotsman
My future self
My great-great Grandmother on my dad's side

5 biggest joys at the moment:
I'm graduating this semester
Hanging out with new friends
What my life holds . . .
Gabby, my daughter

5 favorite toys:
J.C's super cute butt
Gabby's toys

This was kind of hard . . . shit . . . now I'm tired and need to go to bed!


Jammie J. said…
Wait a minute, I thought you never "met" the AOC, only online?
Sorry - that's what I meant - that a year ago, I met him online and starting talking to him.

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