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End of Summer

Who knew that at 28 years of age I would be writing a post about how I spent my summer. Don't people usually stop talking about their summers after a certain age? Say like, 22? It probably wouldn't be such a big deal to me if I wasn't still a student who doesn't haven't to have a "career" year round.

Well, here it is . . . the end of summer. I go back to work on Monday, and school starts on Wednesday. My days of sleeping in, going out, etc are over. I still get every weekend off when Gabby goes to her dad's, but we'll still be a lot more "scheduled" around here.

End of summers when I was younger always felt weird because you were sad about the summer being over, but a little excited about going back to school, shopping for school supplies and clothes, thinking about if there'd be a new cute guy in class, getting to see your friends everyday. I have a whole section in my memory that is filed under "Summer". It's my favorite season, and I've created memories with friends that would be hard to rival. This year I think I've rivaled myself.

I'd never been toobing in all my time of living in San Antonio, and this summer I did it quite a bit. In fact there a couple of toobs and floating coolers still in my trunk along with J.C.'s river shoes, sunscreen, towels, etc. I was so scared to do it at first, and now I'm a regular pro. This past Wednesday when we went toobing, J.C. bought the toob of all toobs. The LIMO OF TOOBS! It's a two seater with a 12-pack cooler built in, mesh bottoms, cup holders, and it's just simply PIMP! Too bad there might not be another toobing trip until next summer, but it does stay hot enough here until at least October. The only problem is time. I had to walk through a school of minnows and I didn't scream, or whine, or grab J.C. and rip his arm off. I simply walked, fighting the current, and made it through. I hated every minute of it, but I did it. And even after some creepy crawly thing bit Ace Ventura on the ankle, I just made a face, sucked it up, and toobed along. Ha, one fear conquered!!!

I'm not very good at meeting new people. I'm not really all that shy, but I get anxiety, and I don't know what to say, and most people tell me I come across as too aloof, so people don't really talk to me. I started off the summer in a comfort zone with Josh as really the only friend that I hung out with on a regular basis. But Mi-Mi grabbed me, and made me go places, and meet people. I've probably met a hundred different people all summer. I'm not sure I remember half of them, but I did it. And I liked it. Some of those people will probably stay pretty good friends, too.

I probably spent way too much of the summer intoxicated. I can't even begin to describe what it's like hanging out with people who look and act like Mi-Mi, Ace Ventura, Velma, Herminone, Shaggy, Spiderman, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Lilo and Stitch, Super Mario, a Caveman, Mr. Incredible, and Johnny Bravo. When you're extremely drunk it's a lot of freakin' fun and a little surreal. We spent a lot of time at the Irish Pub, Winston's, Broadway Bar, and Charlie Brown's. I spent more nights at J.C's than I have at home, and I've eaten a hell of a lot of fried shrimp from J.C's restaurant. My blood is probably thick wth Bud Light, Bull Blaster shots, Goldschlagger, Goldschlagger, and ummm . . . . more Goldschlagger (J.C.'s shot of choice, and mine too, now, I suppose).

I never conquered my stage fright by actually singing karaoke, but I definitely have developed an appreciation for it. Especially when everyone I go with is really really good, and J.C. looks so freakin' cute doing it. It looks like karaoke nights will be moved from Mondays and Wednesdays to Saturdays, so that us working stiffs will still be able to partake in the festivities.

I spent a lot of time out at the pool with J.C., Gabby, and Mi-Mi, which actually isn't that unusual for me. The unusual part is that there were other people there, and I didn't just lay in the sun. We rode the boat toob over the waterfall, tried to dump J.C.'s slothy ass out of the boat, and just swam, enjoyed the sun, and the company.

J.C. has, of course, been the biggest part of my summer. I have never in my life felt this way about someone, and I conquered my fear of letting someone "in". I guess the end of summer will prove to everyone else that it's not just a summer fling, or it will prove to J.C. and me that it is. Only time will tell. Hopefully by say, Christmas, you'll still be reading sappy posts about the two of us, but if not, I have memories from this summer that will last forever. Hanging out at the bars, and disgusting everyone with our PDA, crawling home from the bars and passing out together, waking up and J.C. having to tell me the "story" of the night before. Then laying in bed for hours just laughing and laughing and laughing (that's probably the best part), laughing at how I woke up with my cheek on his pillow in his drool, and me crying because it's so freaking cold in his apartment, or about how hot it is in mine . . . . the night that I puked my lungs out and he was right there with me, helping me out. Meeting his dad, and him meeting my sister and BIL, there's so many I can't even really think about it without it all getting jumbled up right now. But, I love him, and I want to just keep building this . . . .

I have to thank Josh, too for getting me the best pedicure I've had in my life for my birthday. It's lasted all summer! Pretty toes, YEA!!!

My vacation in Florida was awesome as well. It was a great memory created for both Gabby and me. I hope that she keeps those kinds of memories, and doesn't think about all the times I'm a really horrible mother to much.

I haven't blogged in forever, but hopefully this is long enough. Gabby was at her dad's for the last seven days, and I spent every waking moment with J.C. (except when he was at work). It was a really great way to end the summer because we're not going to have time like that again . . . . maybe even not next summer. I graduate in December, and I suppose it's time to move on from some things, but I'm more than willing (which I haven't been in the past) to make the time this relationship needs to keep growing. Wow! We've only been seeing each other a little over two months and everything has happened so quickly and so strongly and it feels more like a lifetime.


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