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Just One of Those Things

One of the few reasons that I don't want to have any more children is because Gabby is already going to be 7, and I just don't want to have that big of a gap in ages with my kids. Not for their sake, but because I don't want Gabby to be 18 and leaving my house for school or something, and then have a new born baby or close to, and starting all over again. I never have lived the life of a 20-something-year old. So, I guess if I had more kids, I would have to get on the ball sometime in the very near future . . . um . . . but then again . . . um . . . NO!

The AOC is going out of the countryfor two weeks. He has the most awesome job, and that's one of the things that attracts me to him, what he does, what he likes to do, but it does kind of suck for me! He did warn me in the beginning that he can't keep dogs anymore let alone a girlfriend because of what he does (hmmm...I just re-read that, and I'm not sure I like the whole dog-keep-girlfriend reference). I think I might start having email withdrawals.

I had my first workout with my new trainer, Ray on Monday. ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE! I asked to have a tougher trainer, and I got one. I've been walking around like an old lady the last couple of days. I'm so sore!!! But I like him a lot. He' just as tough as Aaron the Beast, but more motivational, and a little nicer. He actually lets me get a drink of water. He's funny though, he gets in your face and starts clapping and saying, "There you go, Liz, there you go!!! Okay!!! You got it!!! There you go!!!" I think I impressed him a little. He gave me a workout just to see what I could do, and I did 3 sets of 12 reps of leg presses at almost 300lbs.!!! I impressed myself!!!

School Sucks!


Jessiedc28 said…
Interesting on the AOC. If he doesn't show up at the end of the month I'm going to travel to NY to make him understand what he's doing to not only you, but me, and the rest of the blogging world!
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Jammie J. said…
Speaking of gaps in siblings, did you catch Oprah's show yesterday? OMG! The story about the couple who had a baby at age 16, gave him up for adoption. They went on with their lives, married other people, 27 years later, divorced ... the couple met again. The met, started looking for their adopted son. Coincidence of coincidence, they met their adoptive son's cousin and reconnected with their son. 28 years later, they got married again, had a baby girl. They let their son name her. 28 year age gap. Holy crap. (Link)
Jessiedc28 said…
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