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I'll blog about my weekend at some point, but in the meantime...

Mi-Mi and Obi-Wan hanging out at one of our bars...


Kaycee said…
Very cute! LOVEING IT!
Jessiedc28 said…
I think I can smell the stale beer through the web page! =)
Anonymous said…
black and tans
Anonymous said…
There is only one Obi Won and I do have the treads and know how to fight but rather keep the peace. I just shaved my beard so I might look slighly younger than I looked but then again there is only one Obi Won. And we are here to keep the peace in the world because it's starting to get out of hand here on your plant earth. My people are ready for just about anything so keep hope and peace everyone and pleace help out, your people still need your help throught this civilization.

Obi Won
Anonymous said…
and these movies, i like to spell it Obi Won By the way or it could Be OBi-Wan it all sounds the same to me , just call me what you like i have made you my information highway friend. lucas had a dream and it turned out that he was having and O.B.E. and traveled to our part of the galaxy then he woke up and wrote the series known as Star Wars. Of course He Made It Hollywood for entertainment. I'm alive and will be for many years

Kenobi, Jedi Knight
protecter of peace and justice.
Anonymous said…
I might need your abilities in the future if things get worse. you can help save many people later you have what it takes.

Wow! I'm not sure what to comment back here...My boyfriend, JC, just plays Obi-Wan at his job, he doesn't really think he's him.
Anonymous said…
I will need an army to train for the rebellion.

Anonymous said…
min pin looks pretty ahh, pretty sexy i would like to show her my light saver.

Anonymous said…
jessie she looks like she got it all. really really hot!!!
Marissa said…

Definitely entertaining.
Anonymous said…
ummm.... you 2, I could teach you the way of the force.

Jessiedc28 said…
John if that's you leaving those disgusting comments:

A) Stop hitting on my sister
B) Gross -- don't comment on me.
C) You're a nerd and you need to face it so move on.
D) Stop drinking during the day
F) Do you want me to call and yell at you again? WTF
G) I hope you break your finger so you can't play guitar anymore.
Anonymous said…
I come from planet far from yours
my name is Obi Won.

Anonymous said…
jessie you 2 may be part of my army when the world is close to parishing. u will be in command of restoring order so be on your toes.

Anonymous said…
the world is in great danger and the only way to get attention of billions of people is on the net
your are just 1% of whom i have contacted so BE ON YOUR TOES. BE READY WE NEED YOUR PEOPLE.

Anonymous said…
I don't want u to be mad at my comments i've been in a world that was in a major war and i got slighty out of hand forgive my words if they were affending.
i've come to help bring peace to your planet earth. the treaty will take some time after the war takes place, taKE SHELTER IN CAVES.

Anonymous said…
For now i have to return to the hiddin planet at the edge of your galaxy and will contact you with furture instructions.I aready have some jedi I have traind here on your planet and must leave now before my locate is
Kaycee said…

I would like to talk to you more about this, I want to be prepared. Please call me to discuss. I will even give you my toll free number:
Anonymous said…
things are getting slightly better as I speek, the world is safer for now, thanks for your support it's much needed. just look inside yourself and you can find the force living breathing calling out to you. every living being affects the way we live and that goes for good and bad feelings can affect the universe. we need good and bad to equal itself out, right now there is more bad energy or force, i like to call it, than good. still be on your toes people anything can happen and you will need to work together as one civilization. The ripple affect is invisible but can be felt around your planet and our universe.
i must travel now i've have work i still must do.

Obi-Won Kenobi.
protecter of peace and justice

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