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There really just aren't enough hours in the day, huh?

Your mom was right. TV rots your brain! - No time for bloggin? I should be ashamed of myself. When I lived with my parents, all my years of "growing up", my sister and I weren't allowed to have two things in our bedrooms - a phone or a TV. Once I lived on my own, I realized that I didn't like having a TV in my room. Your room is supposed to be your sanctuary and your "quiet time" place, and all that jazz. Once I had Gabby, and became a typical parent who's TV was the babysitter, I kind of quit watching TV all together, or only on the weekends she was at her dad's. I think it was good for me. I read all the time, and I was always caught up on my class readings. I got things done. Ok, well, most things. I've always been a proscrastinator. Last year my parent's gave me a little TV for Christmas. It was supposed to go in Gabby's room to maybe make her sleep in there instead of in my bed. Somehow it ended up in my room, and ever since I've been far behind. I no longer come home and read or do the dishes or any other thing that would make me feel less stressed. Instead, coming home and laying on my bed catching up with re-runs of CSI and Felicity (both shows that I never watched when they were regularly on). It has made me seriously lazy! I just want to chunk this stupid thing in the dumpster. The damn DVD player stopped playing movies after the first week anyway. TV does rot your brain. It leaves you with no imagination. It may give you some information if you watch the news, but that's all biased and media charged anyway. It's too much overload for your brain. Especially for someone like me, who I am finding out has an extreme case of ADHD. I can't concentrate on anything. When Gabby was smaller I read that watching TV right before bed even makes it harder for you to fall asleep. Your brain needs like a half hour afterwards to "calm down". No wonder I can't sleep! The goal for the week is to not turn the damn thing on...unless I can get everything done that I need to get done first. Although, I got involved for the first time in a really great show that I started to watch regularly, but as of last night it's over.

Rockstar INXS - I didn't watch this show from its start. Josh told me about it, so of course, I was stubborn and thought it was going to be crap, but one night I gave in and started watching it with him, and was instantley hooked. The first time I watched it I hated this guy J.D. I thought he was cocky and maybe a little too obsessed with the band INXS. However, by the third time of watching it, I realized that he was going to be the winner, and I was right! Damn Cancer intuition is always right! Last night, on the finale, I even called it. Mig was going to be eliminated first, then Marty, and J.D. was going to win. He just "fit". Even though he fit mostly because he extremely emulates the original lead singer (ya know the one with all the weird rumors of his death). I'm a little disappointed. I no longer have anything to watch on Tuesday nights, and they're planning another one for next year, which will not be as good. First of all, I can't think of a band with a missing lead singer that would be as good. Not unless someone decided to take out Steven Tyler or James Hatfield. I could see bands like Aerosmith or Metallica being good for this show, but Lynard Skynard? (ok, that's the only oter band I can think of with a dead lead singer), or any other band that I can't think of? just won't be as good.

Friday: House Party - Last Friday everyone was pretty much broke, and Mi-Mi has started working a day time schedule, so she finally knows how my world works, and we were pretty tired by Friday night. So, we decided to just buy some check liquor and have some people over at JC's apartment. It was great and awful at the same time.
Great things? -
1. Mi-Mi and I didn't have to get dressed up and we wore pajama pants.
2. We got to JC's and I took the corner of the couch, and Mi-Mi sat in the chair next to me.
3. Because I have such a great boyfriend - we never had to move from those spots.
4. Home-made Bull Blaster shots and Bailey's on the rocks.
5. JC and I hardly talked, but it was so cool the way we both knew the other one was there, but could mingle amongst other people. If I was "missing" him, I just had to look across the room, and he'd be right there talking to other people, but would look up at me and give me the biggest "hello" smile ever.
6. I got to sit next to the Caveman all night. He's gay, which is just funny that he plays a caveman at work, and we talked about pedicures and girly stuff all night. JC has taken to calling me the Caveman's fag-hag...maybe I am. I love him!
Awful things? -
1. There were a lot of minors there from JC's work.
2. Minors cause all sorts of drama, especially when they've been drinking.
3. Having minors at a house party sucks, because if the noise level gets too loud, and you get a complaint, there could be a lot of shit.
4. Having minors around totally sucks for Mi-Mi and me, or anyone else there who is almost ten years older than them anyway. What the hell do we have to talk about?
5. Spiderman's sister showed up really drunk and wouldn't get out of my face. She kept telling me how many good things she had heard about me, and how everyone is so happy that I'm with JC, and how beautiful I am (ok, that's not so bad), and she was rubbing my was just annoying...I wanted her to get her beer breath out of my face!

It was a good night though. I drank way too much, and everyone left eventually so that JC and I could climb in his bed, say sweet nothings to each other, that neither of us remembered the next morning, curl up and pass out together without worrying about who was going to drive home from the bar.

Saturday: Mr. Incredible's band - I guess I must have been really drunk on Friday night because I usually wake JC and me up around 10am no matter how much sleep I've had, but I don't remember anything until I woke up at almost 1230 on Saturday. I took JC to work, and then I had coffee and went shopping with my sister. I'm a little unhappy with shopping lately - which I plan on making a whole other post...but hanging out with my sister was awesome, even though I was freakin' hungover. After spending Friday night in pajama pants, I got really dressed up to go to Broadway Bar to see Mr. Incredible's second to last show. It was so much fun! Josh even came out for the night with his newly grown in side burns that make him look like a completely different person. Keep them, Josh! "They're like totally hot!" Once the band went on we were all front and center stage dancing and singing along. Except that I was "booty" dancing a little bit with Ace Ventura which didn't really make JC all that happy. I ran into a guy from school, who only remembered me from one of the three classes we've had together, even though I talked to him all the time in the last one! I was sweaty and falling down drunk, but had an absolute blast. The lights came up for last call, we paid the tab, and Josh said, "Guess who I just saw?" It was Aaron the Beast. He left before I saw him though. Turns out he's the ex-boyfriend of Mr. Incredible's girfriend's best friend. It's such a small world. Velma has a new "boyfriend" who both Mi-Mi and JC know through different sources. It's weird how we're all connected to each other through just a few people.

Sunday: Ants! - JC and I laid around all day on Sunday. Two mornings in a row of being hungover and we had had it! Sunday's have now become all about football, and I HATE IT! I hate football. JC and everyone else have a Fantasy Football league, and I can't stand it, but I'm a good girlfriend, and we watched a little football, and left my computer on all day, so JC could watch his score. Around 930 at night I left to go pick up Gabby. Her dad, dad's cousin, and Gabby were at her dad's sister's house which is kind of outside of San Antonio. I told them I'd give them all a ride back to her Gabby's dad's house, but when I got there his other sister was there, too. So, I had to clean out my car a little so they'd all fit. There wasn't any light and as I was cleaning out the trashy mess that my car is, my feet starting hurting and burning! I was standing right in a fire ant pile! I jumped in the car, everyone else got in and I was madly trying to get all the ants off of me in the dark as Gabby's dad was thouroughly annoyed with me. I had to drive all the way home (about 45 min) with stinging ants still biting me. It was horrible! I ran in the house and put my feet under the bath tub faucet, and JC helped me out. It was so nice to be with someone wo was not annoyed with me and mean to me the way Gabby's dad was that night. I really had just a horrible day on Sunday. I had already been in tears all day with JC, I think because I was tired, hungover, it was a full moon, and I knew that on Monday things would go back to me not being able to spend the night with JC. Gabby's dad and the ant bites didn't make it any better.

I started off this week very lazy. I have about 20 ant bites on each foot, I've been tired and just wanting to sleep. I come home in the afternoons and turn on the TV...and pretty much do nothing. I have two tests and assignment due next week, and I need to get it together. So, here I am...up and blogging...and I'm not going to take a nap before class...I'm off to the gym...wish me luck! Hopefully I won't need anyone who is AED certified! Oh, yea, and the TV will not be going on this afternoon!!! I'm not going to see JC today either. It really sucks, especially since he's going on vacation with his family the weekend after this one, but Gabby is going to her dad's again this weekend, and I've just got to make it through two more days of not seeing him. We've both agreed that we need to get stuff done, and stop this mushy nonesense of wanting to spend every waking hour together!


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