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Where is my "Grrrr"???

I'm in rare form tonight. I'm still stressed, still somewhat depressed, still crazy...but slowly this week, my goals have been coming back to me. Especially the whole getting n shape thing, which was such a big part of my life. When I first starting hanging out with Mi-Mi and the gang, I told her I wanted to be a personal trainer, which of course she thought was weird, especially since I met her because we're both geography majors. Her response shocked me though. She was actually mad. She was mad at the whole world that "tells people how they should be". I don't see it that way at all. I see it as this is the way I want to be, and if you're interested I will help you, too. But I think her words somehow stuck with me, and ever since I have been a non-gym going, eating everything in sight person. Tonight it was really hitting me. Actually it started the other night when I was complaining about my weight to JC, and he of course, told me that I'm beautiful inside and out and he loves me no matter what, but if I was going to keep complaining and blaming him, I better get my ass back in the gym. I asked him point blank if he could tell I've gained weight since I met him, and he said, very honestly, that yes, he could, but it didn't matter, I could gain 20 more pounds and he'd still love me and be attracted to me. But, ultimately it's what bothers me that matters. AND IT BOTHERS ME! ALOT! I just haven't felt the same since I stopped going to the gym. The confidence that I had gained has slipped away. When JC called me a few minutes ago and asked what I was doing, I said, "Laying here hating myself, wishing I was in shape, and feeling no sense of any kick assedness!" That right there is the point. I no longer feel powerful, strong, and like I kick ass. I've tried a lot of different things to boost my confidence in life, and I know it sounds crazy, but being able to do more push-ups than your boyfriend or husband makes me feel powerful, strong, and like I kick ass. So, I've got to seriously get it together and stop talking about it. It's just kind of a daunting feeling when you have to start from scratch. I don't have Aaron the Beast or Ray Ray the Savior (my old trainers) to keep me on track. I've got to get this one going for myself. And it does help that I have JC behind me pushing me, encouraging me, and supporting me in anything I want to do, but all that power and strength has to be found somewhere in my messed up mind. I ate perfectly today and I feel so much better, and I have a sense of accomplishment. I ordered all my gym supplements on Monday to help me feel better as well. I have had such an amazing last few months, and I've fallen in love with a wonderful man, but I've still felt like I was in a weird kind of self-depreciating slump, and I think it's because I gave up something that I loved. So, time to find it again...wish me luck!


Anonymous said…
you are beautiful, smart and u use to be really fun to talk when you were not acting like a mad woman. you know how hard it is to build another relationship after two bad ones that you had. i know you more than you think, i'm not stupid or crazy or someone you need to be scared of. remember that I loved you and I wouldn't even think or have stupid thoughts like that for you to be scared of. I understand you more now that i'm out of the circle looking in. I am really happy and proud of how far you have come. i hope you can look inside your heart and forgive the man u said u once loved. It was really hard for me to go through, i wish you could understand where im coming from. I have moved on it's just nice to know that your doing fine and i wish we could have normal conversation for once. I hated feeling like i'm just another ass in your life. And i just don't give up on the person i once called my bestfriend and girlfriend so easy, u know you were a big part of my life for a long time. i'm not going to infringe on your current lifestyle.
i want you to be happy and it's good that you found happiness in your love life.i just like to hear how your doing it makes me happy when you are.:) so please don't be angry at me, sad or stressed Elizabeth.
Anonymous said…
oh yea about those comments left towards me from jessica thinking i was this strange person who thinks he's in star wars or something. W.T.F. you don't know me and don't talk to me like that after you were being nice and saying all those nice things. after you told me to teach kids how to play the guitar and now you want me to break my fingers, what T>F??? I don't know who that is so don't put the blame on me till u know the facts. I still can understand were you are coming from just dont blame me and say shit like that ,thats messed up. U people (friends of my old friend) think u know me but u don't know me and how i feel and think. please don't make me feel like your talking to a hurt little puppy again (jessica) im not a dog well maybe when i want to be, i am. I have a stinger and will use it when I have to defend myself.
Anonymous said…
you can't blame my big heart, it still has room for you in it for u and gabby. i won't be around the corner or whatever your thinking Elizabeth i always made my presence known, i show my face. I won't do that for the sake of both of our lives. I don't want you to hate me anymore than you already say you do. You are happy and that's good to know . I want you to be happy so if you want me to stop reading what you put on the net that was really easy to find , just tell me so and i'll try even harder to stop reading about your life. I know how easy it is to fall in love with a person like you and understand that you have your life the way you want it. If you really want to know reading this has helped me move on more than anything in the past. I hope your really are happy Elizabeth he really seems like a good guy for you. I wish you the best.
from my heart to yours.
I know you love your new friends that you made this summer, but Mimi's response when you told her about wanting to become a personal trainer kinda makes me mad, Liz!! If that's your dream, then she should have had the respect to not shoot it down! And it's EXACTLY as you said -- you don't want to do it because the world is trying to change you! You want to do it for yourself and if others want it to, you're there to help them. I think that is SO cool!!!
Jess, you're right. She was in the wrong. A couple of days ago she was actually asking me "health" questions which was kind of funny. I won't let her squash my dream though. In fact, yesterday, I got online and looked up all the stuff I have to do to get my first certification! I'll have to wait until next year, but I'm really excited! Thanks for your encouragement!
That is SO awesome! I'm glad that you're going after your dream! You're very much an inspiration and I think you will make a WONDERFUL, caring personal trainer!!! If you were here (or I was there) I would DEFINITELY come to you for help!!!!

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