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Finally this week is over! I had two tests this week, and I have an assignment due today...that I will start on here in a sec...I definitely started off this semester in horrible form, but the good thing now that this week is over, is that we start on all new material in those two classes I took tests in. It's like getting a fresh start!

Spent last weekend with JC, of course. Friday night people came over to my apartment. We drank wine, anything mixed with Vodka, and the boys drank beer. It was just JC, Mr. Incredible, Mi-Mi, and this other girl who looks just like Katie Holmes (She hates being told that). Mi-Mi made chocolate covered strawberries, and we watched an Eddie Izzard DVD...HILARIOUS! "Do you have a flag? Ciaaaooo...".

Saturday we went to a surprise birthday party where almost everyone was underage, but it was actually fun. Then we had to head over to an adult house warming party. By the time we got to that one I don't really remember much except that this friend of Mi-Mi's took the best picture ever of JC and me, and I'm pretty sure I'll never get a copy of it...that sucks!

So, Sunday was the big day. The day that JC, Gabby, and I went and had dinner at my parent's house. JC was so was cute. I think everything went fine. My parent's both told me that they really, really liked him. They said he was nice and personable, which he is, and they were shocked at how completely different he is from anyone else I've ever brought home. My dad expressed to me though that he's a little concerned about what JC's future plans are, but aren't we all...As we drove home from my parent's house, JC was talking to Mi-Mi on the phone...they're both in this Fantasy Football league and I HATE IT! I can't stand football, and I'm really resentful of the fact that Sunday is Football Day. I could only hear JC's end of the conversation, but he said,
"I think everything went really well. I had a lot of fun, the food was delicious..."
and that point Gabby cut him off and yelled from the backseat,
Good catch, Gabby! She never misses a beat. She didn't miss a beat either on that Friday when she yelled from the backseat at her dad's house..."MY MOM HAS A BOYFRIEND. HIS NAME IS JC, AND HE'S GOING TO MY GRANDMA'S FOR DINNER!" I hadn't exactly planned on telling him that way...but now he knows I guess...and believe me, he's not happy, and has been treating me like crap!

All week JC and I have been "getting ready" for his up coming vacation that he was leaving for yesterday. He had a couple of days off this week before he left, but he had to pick up shifts at work on both days, and that really sucked. So, besides the fact that I had tests all week, it was a pretty normal week. It's almost Halloween...and as of yesterday the weather has finally "cooled". At least yesterday it was a cool, breezy 82 vs the day before when it was 104. Speaking of Halloween, I have to find a costume. I guess everyone from JC's restaurant really "does it up" for Halloween, which is weird because they dress up in costume everyday. In fact, one day, JC and I went to HEB, and I was all excited about the Halloween stuff being out, but when I told JC that he said, "I'm sorry, babe, but you'll have to excuse me if I'm a little sick of all the costumes." Gabby says she wants to be a witch this year with pink or green hair. I think it can be arranged. At least she doesn't want to be some Disney princess again this year. I was going to try to fit into a Playboy bunny costume this year, but I'm not so sure that's going to happen. Maybe I should look into being the Stay-Puff Marshmellow man...

So, yesterday morning I went over to JC's at like 7 in the morning because he was leaving to go on vacation with his family around 10am. We fell asleep, and had the most DELICIOUS sleep ever. We never moved from the postitions we fell asleep in. Every time we take a nap in the middle of the afternoon together, it's like the best sleep that either of us has ever had. We wake up feeling absolutely glorious, and it's just this weird connective feeling. His dad came to pick him up, and we were both all upset, and cheesy and stuff, but it wasn't that bad. We worked through it when I went to Florida at the end of June, and that was harder because everything was super new, and we both weren't sure what was going to happen when I came home...if we would still feel the same...ok, it was just me that was worried about it. Anyway, I got a call from him around 2pm yesterday, and he said he was on his way home. Aparrently because of all the hurricanes and stuff, the Red Tide? or something like that is really bad in the Gulf of Mexico right now (they were going to the Texas coast), and JC can't be there because whatever that bacteria is, it's deadly to asthmatics, and JC has extremely bad asthma. So, now he's back in town, but doing the "family" thing. Today they're going out to his stepmom's land in Bandera, and I guess his dad said that Gabby and I really need to go out there later this evening. So, I guess we're going. I'm a little nervous. I've met his dad and stepmom before, but now I have to meet the Grandmother, brother, sister-in-law, and two nieces, plus I have to be out in the middle of no where, and we all know just how much I love the wilderness and all the creepy crawly things that go with it! There will be horses, Jessie!

I got my hair trimmed yesterday, and I was wanting something a little different, so I asked my hairstylist to make my front layers a little more choppy...not really bangs, but shorter around my face...he didn't do quite what I was thinking, so I now have these bangs that kind of sweep from one side of my head to the other. I'm still getting used to how the hair feels being all up in my left eye and stuff. I'll have to get a picture to post.

Want to hear one more reason why I love JC beyond any words? Ok, I'll tell you anyway. He knows all about this blog, and he did ask if he could read it. I simply told him that it's kind of my outlet, and I'm not hiding anything or saying anything bad, but I would just like to be able to have something for myself, and be able to express my feelings without editing myself. And you know what? He's perfectly ok with that. He completely respects my privacy. He's not computer literate anyway, so I know he's not snooping around either...well I know he's not snooping around because I just know HIM. I love that. I love that he can also tell me that he talks to his roommate about me, and I don't have to ask for every detail of the conversation. It's really important to be "together" and yet have a little autonomy. At least I think so.

I'm so stalling on getting busy on my assignment that's due. I have to write two two page "reports" on two different monkeys that I had to go to the zoo to get information about. Oh, I made it to the gym twice last week! Yeah! And once this week. I would have gone more, but I've been busy with other stuff. Yesterday my sister went with me to fill out my graduation application, and turn in all my stuff so that I can GRADUATE IN DECEMBER! I'm excited and scared, but I guess it is pretty damn cool! Then my sister and I went and had lunch at La Madeleine's. It was really nice. I'm really happy she's living back here, even if I do forget that she does sometimes!


Anonymous said…
Eddie Izzard is one of my favorite stand up acts to watch. "Cake or Death?" "...a billion of you and no organized system of government hmmmmm...?" Good to know you're a fan too!

Anonymous said…
if u cheat or he loses trust in u it's more than likely that he'll will want to find out some info about u, i wouldn't rule it out, just don't cheat or give any reason for him to start being a detective. U were unfaithfull first and that's what set me off. who knows how many people u were really with when u were still with me(strings or no strings)i still felt used. i'm sure u never told me the whole truth(thats what some women do)give u little bits and pieces of the truth but not the hole truth, i really don't care anymore(the past), just don't mess up this one if u love him as much u say u do. just don't play with his mind or be a player. i'm glad to have met someone with as much passion as me, i am so lucky. And have that feeling of trust once again. trust is one of the main things u need in a relationship. thanks for the memories that we've had together even if they were sometimes painfull. I learned a great deal from u( i am over it). this is my last
comment so i hope u have a wonderfull life and i send Gabby & u my best wishes. It's just to bad we couldn't be friends.
Kaycee said…
What the fuck? If john was truly "over it" he wouldn't have left a fucking message/comment on your sight. He wouldn't keep stalking you on this damn site. Can't he get a fucking life already? What the hell is wrong with guys that just can't let go? Someone needs to send him his balls back.

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