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Showing posts from August, 2005


So, now that things at school are back in swing, I have major readings I need to catch up on. I have really really great classes this semester. I'm truly looking forward to them! Then again, it's my last semester, so I hate the idea of having to go to class! And I'm counting down the days until this next three day weekend, and spending it with J.C. I think Friday we have plans to go to this bar Rebar and see our friend Mr. Incredible's band play, and then who knows what's going on on Saturday - except that I'm getting my face "done" and a pedicure. I'm going to see if my sister wants to get one, too. That would be fun. And then Sunday - toobing - AGAIN! One more day of work until October, and only two days left of school for this week - and then I'll be sitting in the lap of luxury with my boyfriend in our two seater toob with our 12-pack chillin' in the middle!

Ahhh...Back in the world of mesh shirts and headbands...

I had my Intro to Primate Diversity class today and my Geography and Politics of the Asian Rim class, which is with my favorite professor of all time. He's so quirky that he's easily the most picked on professor (he really does wear a headband and a mesh shirt under his other shirt every single freakin' day!), but I've his intellect is dizzying. I love that man! BUT...DA DA DA DUM...we have to do an oral presentation in that class...I DO NOT DO oral presentations. They scare the shit out of me. I'm going to talk to him sometime in the next couple of weeks and see what can be done. My monkey class is really cool. I love learning about that stuff, and we have to do a couple of assignments where we have to go to the zoo. That should be a fun outing for J.C. and me, or Gabby and me, or all three, who knows, but should be cool no matter what!

Got a problem with it?

I called into work today. I slept pretty f-ing horrible last night. I think I got in a total of 45 minutes in 5, 10, or 15 minute increments. I don't know what happened. I took J.C. home last night, and then Gabby and I got into bed pretty late...I thought I was tired, but I just tossed and turned all night. J.C. called me during one of those 5 minute cat naps, and when he called a couple of hours later he said I was whimpering and stuff. I must have been having really bad dreams or something. I should have been exhausted. Saturday, after taking J.C. to work, I went shopping with my sister and Josh. My sister and I got matching purses, and then my sister and I went to California pizza kitchen, and DAMN! that shrimp scampi pizza was good. Then my sister and my BIL waited around while the rest of my cape crusader friends and I tried to get a plan up for the evening. We ended up at the regular shit hole, and I had a great time. I drank a little too much, and I think my BIL did, too. &

Staying Here

I think for now I'm keeping my blog right where it is. Thanks, though, to everyone who wanted to keep reading! That always makes me feel good! It's not a game, but I really hate feeling like someone else is "winning" and making me do things I don't want to do . . . so, for now, I'll be right here as always, unless something feels "not right" or whatever. With my new school and work schedule J.C. and I don't have a lot of time to spend together, but this weekend is my childless weekend, and even though I miss Gabby when she's gone, it's really nice to drop J.C. off at work and say, "See you later", rather than, "I'll call you". Last night we went out to a couple of bars. I was really doped up on Motrin so that I felt better, and so, I got wasted pretty quickly. It turns out I just have a serious sinus infection instead of strep throat, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me since I don't have a runny nose,

Violated and Invaded

This is how I feel now that my ex has found this blog. I really hate the idea of letting him win and take over my space by changing the address of this blog, but anything happens that I feel is truly a violation of my privacy and life, then I guess that's what I have to do. So, since most people got here through Jess, please let Jess or me know your email address, so if I have to change my blog address I can give the new out to anyone who wants to continue reading in the future . . . I find this really sad . . . It's not my fault that I have moved on and found happiness . . . it's just happened, and that's a good thing, and I hope that this person can eventually do the same, but I don't want my happiness to be screwed up in anyway by someone who could possibly be spiteful.

Strep Throat - Here we go again...

I had strep throat right at the beginning of summer, then a couple of weeks ago, I think I had it again. I didn't go to a doctor, and I had some antibiotics here, so I took them, and felt a little better. But my throat has been hurting for a couple of weeks off and on. This week it came back with a vengance, and when I got my goodnight call from J.C. I could barely talk. So, I will be going to see a doctor today. I called into work, but I can't miss classes today . . . that's gonna suck. There's nothing worse than having to walk on campus and sit in class when you feel all clammy, sweaty, and cold when your fever breaks. I don't know why I can't just get over this. My tonsils feel like they're filling up the back of my throat. I keep looking at my toothbrush with a suspicious eye because the first time I had strep, the doctor told me to change my toothbrush in 5 days, and I didn't do it . . . gross . . . I can just imagine all the little bacteria living

Are you shocked? Two posts in one day!!!

Ok, I've been such a shitty blogger person lately that I'm going to do this thing because I was tagged by Min Pin Momma . . . 10 Years Ago: I was working at a Telemarketing firm I was with Gabby's dad I got high or drunk everyday I drove a 1976 Datsun 280Z I lived with my parents 5 Years Ago: Gabby's dad and I broke up and he moved out I went back to college I was dating the next jerk, Gabby's dad's best friend I weighed 240lbs Gabby was only 2-years old 1 year Ago: I was single I was extremely depressed I met the AOC I was hanging out with Josh everyday Yesterday: I went to J.C.'s house and we took a nap together J.C. and I worked out some issues I went to dinner with Josh and Gabby at Mamacita's J.C. and I had another argument towards the night time hours I cried my eyes out Tomorrow: It's Sunday (laundry day) We have to go buy Gabby school supplies I will be getting ready for the week ahead J.C. will probably come hang out We might go to the pool

Sin City

Josh took Gabby and I out to dinner tonight to J.C's restaurant. I was afraid Josh was absolutley hating it because of all the "entertaining" that goes on there. And, the whole thing is kind of weird anyways. Every waiter comes by our table and sits down and chats it up for a bit, all the while trying to stay in character, and it's just weird to me that I get drunk with these people all the time. Anyhoo . . . Josh's consulation is that I went to Best Buy with him. He was super nice and bought me the Sin City DVD, which when we checked out came with a comic book. When I dropped Josh off, Gabby asked if she could have the comic, Josh looked at me, and I said it was fine . . . BUT WAIT . . . then it hit me, why am I just handing this comic book over to my 7-year old daughter, so I said she could have it with the stipulation that I had to check it out first, and it's a damn good thing I did! The whole thing may be in black and white, and the characters aren't

End of Summer

Who knew that at 28 years of age I would be writing a post about how I spent my summer. Don't people usually stop talking about their summers after a certain age? Say like, 22? It probably wouldn't be such a big deal to me if I wasn't still a student who doesn't haven't to have a "career" year round. Well, here it is . . . the end of summer. I go back to work on Monday, and school starts on Wednesday. My days of sleeping in, going out, etc are over. I still get every weekend off when Gabby goes to her dad's, but we'll still be a lot more "scheduled" around here. End of summers when I was younger always felt weird because you were sad about the summer being over, but a little excited about going back to school, shopping for school supplies and clothes, thinking about if there'd be a new cute guy in class, getting to see your friends everyday. I have a whole section in my memory that is filed under "Summer". It's my favori

"If I were a rich girl..."

I would open my own gym, stay in school for the rest of my life, have a hut on a beach, travel for fun, and travel giving humanitarian support to other countries . . . just a thought . . . J.C. and I went to lunch with my sister and brother-in-law last week. I think it went really well. I called my sister after I dropped J.C. off at work (I love thinking about him in that Obi-Wan costume!), and before I even asked she said that they really liked him. She said he was personable and funny, and she really thought mom and dad would like him. I think they will, too. Afterall, the bar is already set pretty low where my parents are concerned. He really has no place else to go except up compared with the other men in my life that my parent's have met. We didn't go to his restaurant for my dad's birthday, so my parent's haven't met him, but soon . . . really soon . . . My best friend Jessica and some of her friends have experienced a tragedy in the last week. One of their fr

Where am I?

If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time, you'll probably know that once upon a time, going to the gym was a big thing for me. Since I met J.C., fell in love with J.C., met new friends, started going to bars, and basically having a great summer that I've decided I will not feel guilty for, I haven't been to the gym in about 2 months. So, my other blog "My Diet Cliche" has been much neglected, but you should start reading it more, I will be posting more there, I think, I hope...I need to!!! J.C. is trying to be really supportive because I asked him to, and it is helping. I know I have one more person to answer to if I don't go to the gym. And now that Ray Ray, my ex-trainer, and R, the Fitness Manager have seen me at the gym yesterday and today, and have had "talks" with me, I have to answer to them as well. Most importantly, I need to start answering to myself! That is all. The end. Good day.

High School Drop-Out

I spent many years having to live up to the fact that I was a high school drop-out. Yes, that's right, I have a G.E.D. I always hated telling people that. I felt like I needed to explain and put an asterik next to it to say, "But I made straight A's in school. Please believe me! I was just a very rebellious teenager who thought she knew everything by the age of 16!" If you had asked my friends from high school, Jessica included, they would have probably voted me as LEAST likely to succeed. And here I am . . . about to graduate from college in approximately 3 months. I will have a Bachelor's of Art in Geography with a minor in Anthropology. I really, truly didn't think I would make it to this point. I'm pretty sure no one else did either. A lot of the people I've met in college are kind of privaleged "children", and they seem to think that getting a college degree is just another part of life, but for me it really wasn't. This will be my g

Driving Me Crazy!

1. I've been spending most of my time at the pool with J.C. and Mi-Mi - everyday, all afternoon, until J.C. has to go to work, and I have to pick up Gabby. It's kind of driving me crazy, though, that Mi-Mi is rushing us to go to the pool everyday, all afternoon, and I just want to spend some snuggling time with Obi-Wan. 2. I've been extremely insecure with my relationship with J.C. lately, which is in turn driving him crazy! 3. I go back to work in one week! 4. I go back to school in two weeks! 5. My fabulous summer, which could quite possibly rival the Summer of 1993, the summer I turned 16 and that I spent completely intoxicated, is almost over! 6. I have yet to introduce J.C. to my parents. 7. We might go to Obi-Wan's restaurant for my dad's birthday on Sunday. I told my mom maybe we shouldn't go. It might be mean on my part to throw J.C. to the wolves (meeting my parents, and my sister and brother-in-law) for the first time in his Obi-Wan costume while he ha