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(Do you know that sometimes I can't think of a title for my blog, so I look around the computer desk and just pick a word off anything that may remotely match with what I'm about to say? . . . hmmm . . . today it was completely irrelevant, but the last couple of days have been rough, and I'm TIRED!)

Dec. 25 - I went and saw The Aviator with Josh after I dropped off Gabby at her dad's (after I watched his dad and him try to shoot a squirrel down from a tree with their pellet guns in front of my daughter!!! What was I thinking when I let that man touch me!?) Anyhoo . . . I really, really liked this movie. It had some of the year's best performances. And I swear that Leonardo DiCaprio left the set everyday begging for Advil, and after the movie wrapped I'm pretty sure he needed a hell of a lot of Botox . . . he gave such intense performances with lots of tears and face scrunching . . . I could feel the migraines for him! There was something missing from this movie though . . . just that little something that draws you completely into a movie and makes you fall in love with the characters . . . I'm not sure what to call it . . . but it is a great story and great acting. I had a little bit of a problem watching it because Leo looks a lot like Aaron the Beast (or is it the other way around because Aaron is younger?). When those close-up shots came around Leo would be looking right at me, and I could see Aaron, and he was telling me to stop thinking about cheeseburgers . . . WHOA! . . . a little scary!!!

Dec. 26 - AOC meeting preparing day. I did cardio, tanned, shopped, and then I cleaned like mad until very late at night, and my apartment was shiny and beautiful . . . except for the wonderful smell of bleach coming from the shower (ok, so it was also mixed with mildew spray, Ajax, and some lime away stuff . . . you're not supposed to mix all that stuff, right? Is that why I almost passed out and busted my head in the bathtub?) Talked to the AOC this night, and he said he would call in the morning and let me know when he was going to arrive (he was on stand-by or something). We had a really good conversation, he was very sweet, and told me that I could just tell him if I was panicking, but that I should not just not show up.

Dec. 27 - Waiting for the phone call that's going to let me know when I'm about to meet the person that could change my life for better or worse. No call . . . no call . . . no call . . . so I went to the gym, tanned, and went to HEB. Got home . . . check email . . . yep! He sent an email. I'm thinking cool, he emailed me the times of his flight. NOPE! He's not going to be able to make it out of town. Some last minute stuff came up for his "job", and he has to get it done. If he was telling the truth, it was fine. The stuff he had to do is pretty important, but I'm pissed!!! He should have CALLED me, not emailed. So, my day was filled with laying around and feeling miserable. It was a weird feeling though. It wasn't one that I think I've had before. I kind of felt like crying, but didn't. I was more pissed off than hurt . . . and I just had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I had just gone from thhe very tippy tippy top of excitement and nervousness all the way down to the bottom of the lowest dissappointments. I love real rollercoasters, but I'm not too fond of the emotional ones. He called last night, and we talked. And it looks like I should maybe trust him (Oh God! That is so hard!!! My brain keeps telling me, "Trust no one Trust no one Trust no one!").

I'm used to choosing and being around men that follow me like puppy dogs, and get attached right away. It feeds my ego, right? So, when I find someone that I really like that doesn't do these things, I get frustrated, and I don't think that they like me. But I have to remember that it's my past relationships that are the unhealthy ones, not this one. Yes, he should have been more considerate, but I don't want to come across as some psycho, nagging, pissed off, young little bitch. He doesn't owe me anything, ya know? After we meet . . . well, then, it will be easier to tell him when I'm feeling "neglected". But it's really hard to convey feelings and personality, etc. through emails, instant messegaes, and even through the phone. Body language and facial expressions are very important.

Have I rambled enough today? I'm headed off to the gym to do cardio 3 days in a row! Aaron would be so proud! I'm so pissed at him for leaving me still, and maybe actually doing really well, and getting to the point he was trying to get me to, will be my sweet revenge . . . yeah right! He won't give a shit! I forget sometimes that I only have one trainer and probably feel closer to him than he does to me because he doesn't just have ONE client. He has many.


Jammie J. said…
I don't really know what to say ... except hang in there and, umm, at least your apartment is clean. Oh, hey, go take a bath in your nice clean tub! Yeah! That'll make you feel better.
LOL! I did! Twice yesterday, and already once today . . . I'm turning into a prune!!!
Kaycee said…
Okay, my opinion, not that it matters, is maybe he is as nervous as you and got cold feet at the last minute. Other option is that he is otherwise "Entagled" and could not get out of it. I.e. with someone. Do you know for positive if he is truly single. Do you have his home number, or does he always call you? DO you have a cell number? You shouldn't worry about coming off as some psycho, nagging, pissed off, young little bitch. Even "just friends" would have the courtesy to call. If he thinks your important enough, he would have called, unless senario #2 is in effect.

You can ignore everything I have said, or do a little probing. Up to you. Just speaking from a "little" bit of experience.


Kaycee - yea, he is otherwise "entangled", but only with work. I do have all of the above said numbers, and I do call him, so I'm pretty sure he's not married. Just bad timing, ya know?
Kaycee said…
Gotcha...Then it could be that he was also really nervous! Sorry that your "Merry Meeting" has been delayed! Hopefully soon! You are in my prayers, after jess, of course.
Yes, many prayers are needed for Jess and me. We are both living a sad, sad existence. Both of our sisters are married, we both had/have friends getting married this year . . . Ugh! What the hell happened to us? I thought we were great prospects.
Jessiedc28 said…
I just like to laugh with Liz on the phone about how when we were 15 we talked about a lot of stuff. Mostly about who I was going to loose my virginity too but also about our future. I distictly remember thinking that 24 would be a fabulous age to get married and begin the process of building a family. Where did that dream go? Luckily no where at 24 seeing as I was shacked up with a big fat cheater at the time, but I'd like to have seen some progress by now. I hold faith to something I was once told by a very wise lady. She said that relationships that commence after you're 30 have been proven to have stronger lasting power. So I figure the older I get the better aim I'll have in picking "The One".

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