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No one can call PETA on me now!

Have had a very eventful, uneventful weekend.

Josh has to be the most patient person I have ever met, and it's kind of weird since he suffers from what I like to call "Only Chidl Syndrome". . . but he is . . . patient . . . especially with me. I have this very annoying habit of getting all junked up on caffeine in the morning . . . cups of coffee and supplements from the gym. After the so called caffeine party, I have so much energy, am raring to go, and like to run around and do things for a couple of hours, but then . . . I come crashing down . . . extreme sleepiness and grumpiness commence. I can be very mean at this moment of utter melt down. And Josh . . . he puts up with it . . . he tries his hardest to cheer me up, get me anything I want, and he even lets me hit him and wrestle him to the ground. . . not that he has much choice, but he's still my friend, and then I find some calmness and he'll let me lay on the couch while he's uncomfortable with my legs draped across him, and he'll massage my feet for hours. How did I get so lucky?

We have a hamster, ok . . . Gabby has a hamster . . . ok, I got the hamster because I wanted it. He's mine. Hammy, the hamster, has been extremely neglected for the last few months. He doesn't get fed often, and his cage, well, let's just say that it wasn't even fit for bugs to live in. Yesterday, as Josh and I were in caffeine mode and shopping, I decided I should just buy Hammy a new cage, start fresh, throw the old one out. His old cage was a Critter Trail . . . the new cage . . . Critter Trail X . . . it is a cage to the EXTREME! He got an upgrade! He wasn't very appreciative though. He was quite in shock. He filled his cheeks with food and then tried to fit into the tube leading to where his little nesting spot is . . . but he wouldn't fit with his cheeks so full. Josh and I watched him for like an hour . . . laughing at poor Hammy as he scurried around looking for a way to get up there . . . and yes, we were laughing at him as he would climb up this slide leading to the wheel that he didn't yet know was there, and then he would leap off trying to reach his nesting area above him . . . he kept diving face first into his food bowl. As of this morning all looks well, he's still looking at me like "Where the FUCK am I??", but I can tell that he finally figured out where the wheel is. I'm so excited for him . . . even though he is over 2 years old, and he will probably not be long for this world. But at least now maybe my sister won't call PETA on me. And she wants to trust me with her cats when she moves here??? You do know that I have killed 5 hermit crabs, 1 turtle, 4 fish, and almost did Hammy in as well?

I haven't done any Christmas shopping. I haven't put up the Christmas tree yet either. Gabby is probably scared to death that Santa is just not coming this year. I will get it up today. I promise. It will be lighted and shiny by the time I pick up Gabby today. Maybe. I hope. It's probably just me, but this holiday season just doesn't feel very holidayee. And Christmas is usually my favorite time of year.

3 B's and an A for this semester of Fall 2004. I should be happy, I know, but I'm a little disappointed in myself for not keeping my usual standards of 3 A's and 1 B.

6-7 days and counting until meeting the AOC. I feel like I need a shot every hour on the hour just to calm my nerves!!!


Kaycee said…
You could call PETA on my hubby. The night of our wedding, we realized we had not made arrangements for our two furry friends (Sherman and Isabelle) so after I passed out, the hubby took them to the yard and set them free! Hopefully they had a few days of freedom before they were eaten by a cat!
Jessiedc28 said…
First of all I think it's funny that you buy your little rodent a new home and I'm not even getting a Christmas card! Second, Josh is good to you. You're very lucky to have him becuase the lord knows that even though I'm your best friend I wouldn't touch your feet if I lived close enough to do so. But I do love you and I'm proud of your grades even if you're not. :0)
Kaycee said…
Dearest Elizabeth,

I have tried to be patient, believe me I have, but it has been since Monday, since you have posted a new blog! This is extremely distrubing to me since I count on these blog entries to get me roused up for the day! Please enter a new entry or I might have to blame you when I sit at my desk today and cry.
Jess - I think you secretly want to rub my feet all the time. You dream about them constantly because they're much prettier than yours, and you're extremely envious . . .you're so jealous that I can keep my flip-flops on!

Momma - post up!!! OMG...he really let them just go? Sometimes I must admit that I feel like doing it when Hammy is chewing furiously on his cage trying to get out...or when he figures out how to open the door to the cage and does actually get out!

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