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The Day After Yesterday

Here it is the day after Christmas. This is usually the day where you lay around, maybe are a little bored, play with stuff you got the day before, go shopping, and just relax after the climax. That's not happening for me this year. Tomorrow is the day! I'm scared, anxious, nervous, excited, happy, laughing, crying . . . gees . . . I would like a shot please! Can I handle this?

Christmas Eve, I went to mass with my parent's and Gabby. It's the only day of the year that I set foot on holy ground. We left church and there were actual snowflakes falling in San Antonio, TX! Before we left the house for church in our Christmas best, Gabby told me she hated my black pin-striped pants. She said, "They look like boy's pants. Like boy pants when you're going on a date." Where does she get this stuff? I find it really interesting, too that the whole past week she has been telling me that Christmas is about having "love in our hearts" and about "Jesus in our hearts". I have planned to raise Gabby in the Catholic Church . . . or at least let my mom raise her that way, but we just don't talk this way. Even my very Catholic mother is not known for spouting words of love for God. And me . . . I just don't know what to say to her when she asks me if she's right . . . I would love to be able to just state the facts to her, but she won't understand. And my mom would kill me if Gabby started talking to her about how her mom doesn't really believe in . . . well . . . much. Why shouldn't we just tell our kids the real facts about life??? If she chooses to be a believer and have faith, that's absolutely great and admirable, but I want her to do it knowing the real facts about life . . . or just knowing the real facts and dangers of religion. I had the hardest time on Columbus Day with Gabby. When she came home telling me how great he was and everything else they had told her in school . . . I just wanted to say, "I'm sorry, but your teachers are wrong, and better that you know now instead of waiting until you're in college like me . . . Christopher Columbus was not the greatest man that lived, and he was a greedy little murderer!" Why do we teach our children lies? I SO DID NOT mean to say all of this!!!

Yesterday Gabby was not in such good spirits for a Christmas day where Santa Claus brought her lots of things. She's been really tired and grumpy. She's getting her first year molars in and I forgot what it's like when you have a child that's "teething". It's been a while since she's had any "new" teeth.

Ok . . . I am off for the cleaning of my messy, after Christmas apartment!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!!! First I'm heading to the gym! Do you think it's possible to lose like 2 lbs. in the next 36 hours??? I was given the week off from working out with John Michael the Ignorant. I injured my external oblique last week . . . quite bad actually . . . all thanks to him not knowing what the hell he was doing. I know more than he does, and it's quite frustrating!!! So, he called up Aaron the Beast, found out what he should be doing, and Aaron told him that he should give me a week off to heal!!! Thank you Aaron!!! That's probably the nicest thing that you've ever done for me!!! Do you think he did it because I called him on the day I got injured, crying from pain and how much I missed him??? So, now I'm just going to fit in two days of cardio before I have to see the AOC TOMORROW!!! OMG!!!!


Jammie J. said…
Wow. A lot to think about in this post, actually. Tony and I have been talking about what we'll teach our (as of yet, unconceived) children. Hmmm.

So, uh, how was today's meeting?
OMG, Jeanette!!! Read recent post . . . meeting from heaven or hell did not commence!! *pink cheeks of humiliation and possible tears*
Jessiedc28 said…
I think you should teach Gabby what ever it is that you believe. I love your Mom, sometimes, but she's your kid.

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