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Cinnamon Danish

Ya know what? I am okay. I am okay with the fact that my "Merry Meeting" (thanks K) didn't take place. Disappointed, yes, but okay nonetheless. I had a really good conversation with the AOC last night. Two of them in fact. And maybe some of his confidence that our "meeting" will take place at some point is rubbing off on me. It's just so hard for me to trust what people tell me. I just have such a problem believing that someone would actually like me, so when things like this happen, I always think it's because the person is "avoiding" . . . maybe that's because that's what I do. So . . . keep your fingers crossed for me.

I have mentioned that even though I really like my strength/resistance training sessions at the gym, I absolutely cannot stand going in to do cardio? . . . I have been in four days in a row to do cardio this week! And today I actually want to go. I think it's something you have to get used to, and then like bagel and coffee addictions it becomes a necessity.

I slept so well last night for once. Josh actually called and woke me up instead of the other way around. He called just to tell me that the world was ending and the sky was radioactive. Sure enough, I looked outside and the sky had the weirdest reddish, orangish glow . . . but it cleared up soon. Hmmm . . . don't know what it was, but Josh needs to stop being so dramatic.

I stepped out again this morning and tried the cinnamon DANISH bagel. Mary, the bagel, attendee must think I'm going nuts after months and months of only ever ordering an everything or a cheddar herb.


Jammie J. said…
Because of the black background (that I know you've had forever and ever), when I clicked on your link meaning to click on my future Brother-in-law's blog, I thought I was reading my future brother-in law's blog.

It makes so much more sense knowing that it was your blog I was reading vs. his blog. (phew).

Umm, wow.
That's funny. You should know that whenever you're reading crazy rantings you are in my home.
Jammie J. said…
I know I should. It was the weirdest darn thing. I was reading the part about the two single, student women and was thinking "Why is Steve writing about this, is he making this story up? Why?" I finished and was thinking "I have no clue what to say to him. That was the strangest thing he's ever written."

Then, I glanced up and saw "Que?" and went, "wait a minute ... hey, this is Elizabeth's blog!" Then I had to re-read everything so that it made sense.

Then I started giggling, which was wholly inappropriate for your entry. But I was just soooo relieved that Steve hadn't lost his mind. NOT inferring in any way that YOU have, BTW.

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