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God, I feel great. I am a typical cancer (please refer back to this).

"At times you will seem to have the greatest love for life,
yet at others you can be nothing but a self-pitying mess. You
can be pleasant and cheerful, or you can be egotistical and vain."

Yep, that's me! So, now comes the part where I have a great love of life. And isn't it sad that it stems from feeling secure that someone likes me?

One final down...3 more to go! I can't wait for this semester to be over. It has been really hard. Really it was last Spring semester that was really hard, and almost killed me...and that semester seems to have put me in burnout mode for this past semester. But, next semester is new, and will probably kill me with how busy I'll be since I go back to work full-time in the Spring...but as much as I complain...I like being busy, busy, busy!

Off to see Aaron the Beast in a couple of hours. Didn't have time to shave my legs this morning. Must get that done before I go. Before I ever had a trainer my legs hardly ever got shaved in the "winter". Like growing in a coat (gross!). But now I can't stand the thought of this guy touching my legs when they're all prickly and stuff. I do it more for's bad enough he has to touch fat, sweaty people all day...I don't want to torture him more with my hairy legs. He wouldn't like Jess very much, not until she could figure out how to wax correctly.

So, I seem to be more into my fitness quest and getting back on track with all of that. My eating habits still leave something to be desired, but working on it, and getting better. Most people get annoyed with you when you give them any kind of fitness information, but I really feel a need to help the world out with this, and I happen to think I'm really informed and good at it! If the whole archeaology thing works out for me, I would totally become a personal trainer as my day job! If someone like me can go from being the least active person in the world to actually enjoying this kind of stuff...anyone can do it.


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