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...because I am so mad I will punch you in the mouth, and piss in your eye!

My team leader who I love, and think is just awesome called me into his office almost at the end of work today, where he preceded to tell me that he had to talk to me about something that had nothing to do with work. At which point I was pretty freaked out.

He then said, "Someone complained about the tattoo on your ankle showing." I couldn't believe it! The first thing I blurted out was, "So, is someone going to say something to so-and-so about her ARMBAND??" He said he hadn't noticed it, but yes he would monitor it, and say something to her too if need be.

He also made sure to tell me that his boss and him both did not care, but that some other departments are bigger, and their managers care. So, I'm pretty sure that it was another manager, and no one in my department. I mean I hope it's not in my department! They're so laid back there! And then in his usual funny, sarcastic way, he leaned back and said, "But you're doing a great job!" Yea, thankfully my tattoo has not impaired my ability to kick ass at work!!!!!!!!!

The thing that pissed me off the most was that he said the word "unprofessional" was used. This pisses me off because every freakin' day I walk in to that place feeling over dressed! I mean most of those women draw a fine line between what are considered slacks and what are considered "fashionable" sweat pants! A few of them wear shirts down to their navels, some look like they haven't showered in a week, and some where T-SHIRTS! that I would wear to clean my house on the weekends. UNPROFESSIONAL? I always have on heels, I always make sure I wear a shirt under anything that might be too revealing, I wear nice skirts, pants, button up shirts, etc...and yet, all any one person can see is a tattoo of a sea turtle! It's not like it's even a pentagram or something!!!!

So, I have pretty much been banned from wearing capris or skirts to work. But, the thing is, I only have to have the tattoo covered. My solution? Instead of going out and buying a whole new wardrobe? Ace bandages. Guess I've been working out too hard at the gym. Or, a giant band-aid. I'm clumsy when shaving my legs. Or as my co-worker pointed out, they do make tattoo make-up...but she said it doesn't come in that many colors. My solution for that? Buy the darkest color and say I've had a sudden mole growth.

I'm serious. Tomorrow I'm wearing capris as planned and I'm wrapping an ace bandage around my ankle.

Now I'm off to try and bathe my cats, who will probably scratch me to death.


stephanie said…
Some people have nothing better to do! UGH! So did you wear capris and a bandaid!?!?! :) I like that idea.
Keelee said…
that's bullshit

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