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This year has brought me A LOT of changes. I think almost everyone of them is on the top things that cause stress, too!

1. I graduated from school.
2. Which meant I had to leave school, which I loved!, and that I had to find out what to do with myself in the evenings after work!
3. I had a two year relationship end.
4. Which meant that I had to completely change everything I had planned for the future.
5. I resigned from the IRS, where I had worked for 8 years.
6. Which meant I had to change all of the people I was used to seeing every single day, and I no longer would have my summers off from work.
7. I started a brand new job/career.
8. Which meant I had to learn a whole new job and industry, and meet different people.
9. Josh got a girlfriend.
10. Which means I no longer have him all...which pisses me off, but I guess he's gotta do what he's gotta do.

There are other changes currently under way, like my co-worker and I are being moved in our department, and taken away from our comfort zone. Gabby is getting boobs, and I had to buy her a few sports bras (man she's gonna kill me for that if she ever reads this when she's older!)...and she's starting the 4th grade, and will be going to a completely new daycare after school. And, getting back into the gym is a change from the way I've been living for the last couple of years.

So, it would only make sense that now that I have another change...having a computer for the first time in nearly a year!...I will be back to blogging and want to change it up. So, as you can see, I've already changed my page layout...but now I'm lost! I don't remember how to add in all the sidebar stuff...and I've lost my favorites on my computer, so I no longer have any blog addresses to the ones I used to read! Please send to me so I can start again. I will be categorizing a little better, too, and not talking so much about feelings, and silly things that I should get over.

I've been told by a few people now that they love the way I write my blogs, which is funny because when I was in the third grade, my teach wrote on my report card that I should be a writer. Well, whatever the case, if you hate my blogs, or love them...or whether I can really write or not!...I would like to maybe hone in on it, and see what I can do. Be a little more of myself, if that's possible! No holds barred anymore watch out!


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