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Apache and Black Hawk

Those are the names of the two new men in my life.

Yesterday I had lunch with my sister, and then we were like, "Hmmm...what should we do next? Shopping?" Sounded good, we even called my dad to ask for money. But, we're both in the process of losing weight, so we decided that shopping will be much more fun once we're in smaller sizes.

That's how we ended up at the Humane Society. And how I ended up adopting two 3 month old kittens. It may sound a little impulsive, but I've been thinking about it for a while, and I have looked at hundreds of kittens. I really am a dog lover...but in the end, I'm an animal lover, and a dog in my small apartment, and with my busy schedule, would just be cruel.

These two little black kitties won my heart. The names the Humane Society gave them were Black Hawk...who is black, but looks a little gray, with hair sticking up in all directions, and gold eyes...and Richard who is sleek black with green eyes. Since Black Hawk Down is one of my favorite movies, I thought that name was perfect. But Richard? For a sleek black kitty? No, no, no! It had to go. And I asked my sister what the name of another helicopter was, and she said Apache...So, Apache it is.

Apache fell asleep in my arms immediately while Black Hawk the Wild Kitty entertained us. Perfect! One lap cat, and one wild one! I have spent so much time with them. I can't get enough! And it's true. Petting animals lowers your stress level, which I desperately need!

And, I think I have a pretty good idea why they named him Black Hawk. I have never, NEVER, heard a cat purr so loudly. He makes this whirring sound...and so does Apache. It's all so perfect!

The Humane Society told me it might take a little while for them to get used to their new home and me and Gabby, but it hasn't at all. They are right at home. And Black Hawk already knows the use of the water bottle! To squirt him when he gets into things!

The best part? I saved Apache's life. After all the paperwork was finished and I was interviewed, they told me that Apache was brought in with a liter of feral kittens who were really wild, mean, and agressive so they were euthenized (sp). Apache was already set for pre-euthanization. But it was by accident. There was nothing wrong with him. And he is the most loveable of the two.

I had a good deed that I needed to give back, and that's going to be part of it. I had a flat tire the other day, and while I was waiting for roadside assistance (no, I don't know how to change a tire), this little old man pulled over and offered to change it. So, I need to give a good deed back to someone else. I'm not sure saving one kitten's life counts completely, but it's part of it at least.

Wish us luck on our new endeavor!


Jessiedc28 said…
stephanie said…
Sweet! I wanna see pics! :)

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