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Parental Advisory Warning!

Yesterday I heard a couple of really funny "lines" come out of what will be an un-named source! I laughed so hard I almost cried. I've been quoting movies and songs, but I suppose sometimes some of the best quotes come right from the people around you. They're a little vulgar, and I don't want to offend anyone, so if you're easily offended . . . STOP HERE . . .and please don't think the worst of me for laughing at them . . . they sound worse than the context that they were meant in, which is why I think it's so funny I guess . . . .

1. "I don't make a noise while you're hitting me!"

2. "I don't want nothin' too big down there."

3. "I'm NOT gay."

4. "Maybe we can ask for extra bread, and then stick it in the to-go box! hee hee!"

5. "Nuts to Soup!"

. . . .this unknown source also says the following, "You're the cat's pajamas!" . . . . but, isn't it supposed to the Cat's Meow??? . . . .


Jammie J. said…
Good God, woman, what kind of child are you raising?

I almost wish that I could say this stuff came out of the mouth of babe's, but adult actually said them.
Jessiedc28 said…
Josh should stop.
Ha, Ha, Ha!!!

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