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"He's Just Not THAT Into You"

Sheesz...did someone really need to write this book? Why couldn't women just be left alone in their lonesome deceiving torture upon themselves. No, really...seriously...we like not knowing the truth and playing games with our own minds. What will we have to talk about with our friends if we can't say, "What do you think he meant by this?" If everytime you have to question a man's motives or make excuses for him, and the answer to everything is simply, "He's just not all that into you"...there will be no glimmer of hope...none whatsoever...a girl won't even be able to fool herself into thinking that she can ever possibly find someone. I know I know I know...the truth hurts, and the truth also sets you free...but you'll have to be very secure in yourself and not prone to beating yourself up in order for the truth to really set you free...otherwise the truth only makes it harder to move on. So, this is supposed to make women raise the bar and set higher standards for themselves on whatever kind of abuse it is that they will and won't allow? What about men just taking responsiblity for their own actions and raising their own set of standards on the way they will or won't allow themselves to behave? Once again, it's up to the women to be the adult for everyone? Thanks a lot to the father's of everything we do, including our feelings must be classified, catalogued, and shoved into files, neat and organized without any chaos or any other thing that is of human nature.


Jessiedc28 said…
Well someone must have skipped their morning bagel! Sheesh! (I guess I'll return the book I got your for Christmas then...) LOL
Why? Is that the book you got me? I'm still interested in reading it...I just needed to put in my two cents after watching a very depressing hour of Oprah yesterday.
Carolyn said…
You are soooo out of touch...this is so old. It's a line from Sex & the City from like last's suppose to be liberating...if people could just be that honest, we'd experience a lot less heart ache, don't ya think? (HA HA)
I know that, dork...I just happened to see an Oprah about it yesterday though. And it's not very liberating because men are still not going to be honest...that was my's still women who have to be the adults and come to the conclusion that "he's just not into you". Not like men are all of sudden going to start being honest and just say it!
Jammie J. said…
Don't you think that most women KNOW when a man's "not that into them?" I mean, really, honestly? You kind of have a red flag, right? It's when a person chooses to ignore that red flag that they get all befuddled, right?

At least that's true with me.
Yes...ignoring, avoiding, those are things that I do. The thing that I'm doing right now. I've been making excuses and ignoring all the little red flags, and I just don't want to admit to myself what the real deal is, but I'm slowly getting there. I'm not giving up, but putting myself out on the "market" and not worrying so much might make things better. Or maybe I should deal with my issues of co-dependence? LOL.
Jammie J. said…
No, no ... because then what would you blog about???
Good I should just let all my psychological problems roar for the sake of blogdom!!! Maybe I should just try to keep it in control when I'm not blogging.

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