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I think I can, I think I can . . .

This is so ridiculous!!! I have spent so much money to have a trainer, and really I have nothing to show for it. I have been in the same place for at least the last 6 months. I went to two buffets with Josh yesterday! Going to the gym is not a problem...I love's trying to break old eating habits that is the hard part, but even that is not so difficult. The difficult part comes in trying not to let food be a "social event". I don't want to eat out!!! And people everywhere keep asking me if I want to!! I'm a big girl and I can say no, but it's so hard when people are contantly asking if you want to go to lunch and stuff so that they have something to do that day. You don't offer heroin to a recovering junkie, and you shouldn't offer food to a food addict either! Where's the support. People just don't understand because everyone is also caught up in their own food addictions and their own issues. I'm tired of getting comments like "eating out won't kill you every now and then", "live a little", "you can eat right starting next week", "that's all you're going to eat", "oh I feel so bad for you", or anything else along those lines. Eating right is not a punishment!! You don't overload your car with oil or gas or anything else. You give it what it needs when it needs it. It's the same thing with your is fuel for your body to move! And that's all. It is not a social event, it is not something you do for fun!!! And why is it so hard for everyone to understand, why is considered weird that I want to do what's good for my body in the RIGHT way, and why are people so unsupportive? Just leave me alone when it comes to my eating habits!!! Don't look at me weird...Don't say anything about it...and definitely quit asking me to go eat for a Saturday afternoon activity. I do so well when I'm by myself during the week, and as soon as I have to "do" some kind of interaction with other is the number one priority!

Ugh...I'm just tired of this. I want to reach my goal. It's amazing to me how unsupportive people are when it comes to fitness and health. I have tons of support for trying to finish up school...but this whole fitness thing is actually a lot more important to me than that...and support? forget it. It's no where to be found...


Anonymous said…
hmmmmmm. i see your point, I'm engaged to someone who can eat anything he wants without weight gain. sux. he loves to cook but even more so he loves to eat at restaurants. add that to the fact that I quit smoking 6 weeks ago and that equates to the 6 lbs that now jiggle on me when I walk up the stairs, or whatever (if only i was taller)...

I'm banking on the jess & holly pre-dawn workout/gossip plan to get me over the weight gain hump and feel better about myself, have more energy, and motivate me to say "no I dont want the burger with fries I'd prefer the grilled chicken salad with dressing on the side and no cheese" when we go out to eat. why? yeah, i'm as vain as the next person but apart from that i've realized how integral exercise is to getting a good night's rest, being happy, and spawning a go-get em attitude.

tomorrow at 6am is my introductory personal trainer session. bring on the torture!


p.s. liz you look even better than before
Jessiedc28 said…
Ok I'll never ask you to eat again! Josh - sheesh - QUIT MAKING ELIZABETH'S LIFE MISRABLE!

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