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" . . . Papa tomato says to the Baby tomato, Ketch-up!"

This blog might be a little long and maybe a little boring. I just want to kind of re-count this past CRAZY week!

Mon: I started at 5am, dropped Gabby off at the daycare at 630am and headed off to work. I drove straight from work to the gym for my workout with Aaron, and then I drove straight to the daycare to pick up Gabby, and we went right to Karate class. I don't think we got home until around 8-ish.

Tues: Same routine, only there wasn't Karate class, and I skipped the gym. Ok, so this day wasn't so crazy I guess, and I don't really even remember what I did.

Wed: My first day of school. I repeated the usual routine, and then I left work at 830am. I headed towards school for my 10am class thinking that I had plenty of time to get there. WRONG!!! It took longer to get there than I thought it would, and once there...PARKING from HELL commenced. I circled the parking lot about ten times, and decided that I was so out of there. I ran some errands, HEB, etc. I then headed back to work. After work, I skipped the gym again, and took Gabby to Karate. Once again, I didn't see my house until like 8pm. I had had the professor for my class before, and I knew he wouldn't go over anything important the first day, so skipping class wasn't such a big deal, except that I really like the professor, and I was a little let down that I couldn't make it, but fighting with all those other people for a stupid parking place was just not going to happen.

Thurs: My TUES/THURS class starts at 11am, but this time I left work 2 1/2 hours early instead of 1 1/2. It still took me 30 min to find a parking spot, but it was seriously much better than it was on Wed. Carla also had class this day as well, so I met up with her, and walked her to her first class. I then got to sit around and wait until she got out at 1045. Then we met up again and walked to our 11am classes. The Human Skeleton: sounds like it should be an interesting class. There's one guy in the class that I had in my summer class, so at least I know one person. The professor for this class.....he's really old (seriously..I think he's pushing 90), and he talks so low even with his microphone. And he goes through his powerpoint slides like there's no tomorrow as the class tries to jot them down like mad. My stomach was growling LOUDLY the whole time. So, I hope this class is as interesting as I want it to be. We basically have to memorize all the bones of the body, plus things like joints, movement, body placement, etc. It's really a class about bioarchaeology rather than health.

NOTE: Being in this class makes me remember why I am no longer an anthropology major. Those people can be so WEIRD! Most of them are tree huggers, and the women are very butch, and they're nice enough...just a littlle "off". I like the geography majors much better...most of them have no clue what they want to do, but they're very laid back and cool. And not constantly discussing dead people.

~Cont. Thurs~ After my first class I headed back to work, and then after work, I skipped the gym again, and I headed off to my 530pm class. This class is the second half of the class I took in the summer. It's Advanced GIS. I did not think this class was going to make it, seeing as how the prof I had in the summer resigned and she's the only one at UTSA who can teach it. But, it looks like it made it. And almost my entire class from summer is in it, which is VERY cool. The problem: we are in a class with NO computers!!! It's a freakin' computer class!!!! AHHHHH...whatever...UTSA and it's stupid politics!!!! The new professor? He's this professor from SAC where I used to go to school. He's the professor that everyone always said, "DON"T take him!!!", but he seems really funny and cool. So, we'll see. After class I stayed talking to people for too long and was late picking up Gabby from my mom's. My mom had something to do, so my dad watched Gabby...I picked her up unfed and unbathed!!! Kind of makes me appreciate my mom even more!!! Finally got home around 8 or 9 AGAIN!!!

This brings up to Today, FRI: I was not about to miss my 10am class again, so I'm not going into work in the mornings on MWF anymore. I got to school around 845am and barely got parking. So then I had to sit around and wait. I bought books for 2 of my classes and spent a freakin' fortune, and I still have 3 more books to buy!!! So, I finally got to have class with one of my all time favorite professors!!! He's so awesome, and he's so hot too. He's not really hot hot, but there's just something about him, and he's so freakin' smart you can't help but give him great big "dreamy" eyes. However, my friend Brian has had some conversations with this professor and gone to the movies with him, and the stories that he has told me....there's one that's really funny, but only to someone who knows the way that this guy in class I almost lost control and cracked up laughing because I was thinking about it!!! hahahaah (Brian, here HAVE some!) Ok, enough about the hot professor. So, I was at school almost 2 hours early for my 50 min class. That really sucks! And it looks like I'm going to have to do that everyday. I then headed off to work again. I had an appointment with Aaron at 5.
We started walking towards the stretching area of the gym and Aaron says, "oh, I forgot something." No big deal, right? YEAH RIGHT!!! He comes back with a broomstick in hand. Now we have used the broomstick before just to make sure that my back is straight, but this time he just kept telling me that I didn't want to know what it was for. I think I've talked about foam rolling on here before (I really don't feel like explaining it, you can ask questions in the comment area), anyways, he tells me to lay on my stomach and then he FOAMED ROLLED MY LEGS WITH THE BROOMSTICK!!!!!! OUCH!!!!! He said I won't have bruises, but I'm not so sure. This is one of those times that makes me think he actually really gets off to hurting people. lol. He said his brother did it to him the night before, and then when he says that I feel like I have to be tough and take it...I don't prove something...what? Ok, so anyways, it was a pretty good workout. I have eaten perfect all week too, except tonight, Josh brought me FIRE WOK!!! YUM!!! My workout was short though...I just got rolled with the broomstick mostly. But Aaron said I was doing a great, much better job with my squats.

One note about school: It's a freakin' Ambercrombie & Fitch catwalk there!!! These 18 year old girls right out of high school are walking around in stilletos and stuff!!! My god!!! That won't last long though...It's like a 20 min walk from the parking lot to classes.

Another note: I have spent more time in my car and in traffic the last 3 days than I have spent doing anything else!!! I don't want to look at my car for the rest of the weekend.

So, this week was pretty darn crazy. I ran around like crazy, but now it's Friday and I am home, and I'm going to eat yummy food, and hopefully later tonight I will get to have a conversation with my favorite blonde. ;)

Sorry if I bored you to death, and if you actually got to this part you definitely deserve...something...I don't know what, but something.


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