I am slowly but surely joining the 21st century. Yesterday I got a webcam. Today I installed it. I can't believe how hard it was to install...not really hard...but I was getting a lot of error messages and stuff, but alas...I did...all by myself...It's always very cool when that happens. This was a pretty good weekend. A little drama started it off, but it has definitely ended up very well. So, now I get to take cute little pictures and stuff. I'm so excited. My bagel and coffe addiction took over again this morning. Tomorrow I AM NOT going to even think about bagels and coffee!!! I had a conversation this morning about the other other white was a little disturbing, Christopher! Are insects really considered "animals" or are shell fish for that matter?
I am slowly but surely joining the 21st century. Yesterday I got a webcam. Today I installed it. I can't believe how hard it was to install...not really hard...but I was getting a lot of error messages and stuff, but alas...I did...all by myself...It's always very cool when that happens. This was a pretty good weekend. A little drama started it off, but it has definitely ended up very well. So, now I get to take cute little pictures and stuff. I'm so excited. My bagel and coffe addiction took over again this morning. Tomorrow I AM NOT going to even think about bagels and coffee!!! I had a conversation this morning about the other other white was a little disturbing, Christopher! Are insects really considered "animals" or are shell fish for that matter?