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Yackety Schmakety

I went with Gabby to a birthday party today for a little girl in her Karate class. It was being held at the Karate school. I was not informed that the only other people that were going to be there was family...and Gabby and me. The little girl is the niece of the owner of the Karate place. It was the weirdest, most uncomfortable thing in the world, but we made it through. As long as I can find a way not to break Gabby's spirit when disciplining daughter will be a Leader. She has the most uncanny knack for bringing people right up under her thumb. Watching her with other little kids is amazing...they all turn into HER "pack". These are qualities that no one really has on either side of her family...unless that's only because the rest of "us" had our spirits broken. Gabby is truly a gift beyond belief, and I really, really need to learn to appreciate it, and not let the daily grind get in the way.

Have you ever done anything or met anyone and just known things? This usually happens to me with everyone that I meet...I just kind of KNOW where it's going.


LOL. I knew from the first day you sat by me, well...maybe after the first time we had an actual conversation that we would be really good friends. Or at least I knew that I would keep you around for had to be worth something. LOL. I don't want an arranged marriage...but dating is much harder when you're looking for "romantic" love rather than friendship, companionship, loyalty, etc, etc, etc. You know what I meant, Joshy, quit being a thorn...and yes I need an editor...want the job Mister Author?

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