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" . . . Here I Go Again . . . "

I never skipped a day ever in high school. This was mostly probably because my mom was a teacher at my high school, and if I did "skip" school she knew about it...I would just fake being sick. I never skipped a day of class during the first couple of years of my college career either...hence why I probably get bumped up to an "A" sometimes. Today is the 4th day of classes for the Fall semester, and I have skipped the same class 2 times. I just can't deal with the parking situation. Today I thought that I could probably find parking if I got there an hour early, but looks like I will have to continue being at school at least 2 hours early for my 50 min. class. I'm 27-years old, and fighting with a bunch of 18-year olds who can't drive and are all freaked about getting a parking space is not my idea of a relaxing morning before school. I drove around for like 30 min. and then was out of there. So, to be productive during my "class time", I tanned and got gas. WOW! LOL!

I so hope that tomorrow is my last day of work. Then I don't have to worry about it until the end of October. I guess now I will just hang around and wait until I have to be at work at 12.

My sister sent me this book called Art and Soul: 156 Ways to Free Your Creative Spirit. It has a different activity that you do every week for 52 weeks. It looks really interesting and fun. I may start adding my weekly creativity "sessions" here on my blog. That's one way to make sure I do it!


Jessiedc28 said…
I want to read it. How much does it cost. Call me to discuss.
It was $16.95 according to the back of the book. It's by Pam Grout.

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