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Showing posts from 2009

Christmas 2009

My Christmas Craft

So, now that Jess, Eric and Carly have received their Christmas Craft gift, I can share. I made balls this Christmas. A bunch of balls. Why? Because Chicks like balls. I started to order them online and decided I wasn't going to pay $15 for a monogrammed I made my own...and then I made more and more and more...I've put anything you can imagine in a clear glass ball. Here are some pics to prove it...I'm kind of pissed that my favorite for Andrea and one for Joy were wrapped before I got pictures of them... I made one similar to this for Andrea, Kelly, Becky, Joy, Jess and a little one for Carly...all black and white filled with white feathers and topped with a 2009 ribbon and pearls (This is Andrea's). Then I made "personalized" ones. So, Becky loves the beach and I made her a ball with sand and shells. Kelly's was all sparkly like this...and like her... For Joy I did "earthy" and I did a "traveling" one for An

I just don't know...tis the season?

I've had crazy energy lately. On the go. Ready to just get things done. Crafting for the first time since like junior high. Putting up my tree for the first time in 2 years. Finished with Christmas shopping for the first time ever. Sending out Christmas cards for the first time in like 3 or 4 years. Happy. Most of the time. Content. Busy, frustrated and stressed as hell at work still, but not such a big deal since I just got my end of year evaluation with glorious things said about me, my skills, my knowledge, etc. and my impeccable work ethic. Yea, bet you didn't know that about me did ya? I'M ONLY LAZY AT HOME, PEOPLE! But, haven't been lately. It's weird. Maybe it's P-Dub. Maybe it's not being drunk and hung over all the time. Maybe it's being heavily medicated for ADHD and anxiety. I've even had patience with Gabby. Whatever. I'm just gonna go with it.

I'm Learning...

Reason #103 to not "craft" in your bed: Sometimes glass breaks. Then you will have shards of glass all over your sheets. You could change the sheets to be on the safe side, but you're tired and your bed is covered in glitter and ribbon and one hundred other things. And, also, sometimes you might just be lazy and willing to risk a few shards of glass in your back as you sleep because you got most of the big pieces. Reason #99 for not getting rid of your dining room table: It can be used for crafting instead of your bed.


A month or so ago, P-Dub and I spend an evening with friends at Andrea's house. When we got back to my apartment, I really wanted to give my cats some of the new treats I had just bought them. I found these treats that they absolutely go crazy over...Temptations. But, I couldn't find the bag. P-Dub kept saying, "Maybe you already fed them all of them." And I was like, "No way! I bought two bags. We finished one and there was a brand new one on the counter this morning!" We didn't find them and just went to bed. The next morning we woke up and P-Dub said, "Look!" I looked at the floor near my closet in my room...and there was the bag of Temptations. The empty bag of Temptations. Apparently those treats really are like crack because my cats have never...EVER...gotten into food like that before...Look at the perfect little hole they made in the did they do that??? There are also little teeth marks all over it.

Crazy Crafter

Yep, that's me. I know you don't believe it. But, it's very true. I'm obsessed (I'm sure that's believable)! It started by looking around online for Christmas gifts. Looking for something specific. And then I realized I could make everything I kept seeing. I didn't know what I was doing. I thought I'd just experiment. And then the ideas came flooding into my head. And then I crafted my first Christmas gift and was so pleased I couldn't...can't...stop. Last Saturday morning I was at Hobby Lobby right when the doors opened. Two hours later, P-Dub met me at Hobby Lobby so we could do other shopping. He took one look at me and started laughing. Apparently I was sweaty and covered in glitter. In fact...he thinks it's hilarious that I've been covered in glitter ever since. Everything is covered in glitter. After a few mishaps, I've become really good at this. I don't think I will ever stop. Maybe I'll end up opening

Giving Sneaky a Bad Name

I've been trying to get Gabby to clean her room. She was given a week and if it wasn't clean, she would lose her Twilight posters. She lost them. The second week, she would lose her MP3 player. She lost it. The 3rd week, she would lose her Nintendo DS. She lost it. P-Dub set up a shoe box last week named "Gabby's Punishment Box". Everything she loses goes in there. So, last night I needed the shoe box to help me with a craft (more on this later). So, I started to take Gabby's stuff out of the shoebox...and the MP3 player was not in there. She had just gone to bed and I marched into her room...and demanded, "Where's the MP3 player?!" She lowered her head and said, "I took it to school." I asked where it was. She said in her backpack. DOUBLE WAMMY! Not only did she sneak the MP3 player out of her punishment box, but she also took it to school! I got the MP3 player out of her backpack and said, "You're not doing A


I'm sure I made it clear in my last post that my Bellhop costume never arrived. Still hasn't. PISSED doesn't even describe it. So after frustration and mad scrambling on Friday and all day Saturday, I chucked a Bunny costume and decided to be a Burglar. This is me looking dumb with Kelly the Beer Wench (Theme of the Letter B...remember?). I was the warmest person though. Hat, long sleeves and gloves. To see P-Dub's costume you'll have to go to True Romance?

Halloween Costume

I'm not sure I've had a "real" costume in at least 20 years. This year, I just had to have a real costume, out of a bag. The annual Halloween party will be at Andrea's new house. This year's theme is the letter "B". Last year was "A"...of course...and I went as "Assault and Battery". See? Always making costumes. Never buying one. So, yesterday, after wracking my brain and not being able to think, trying to come up with a fun costume starting with the letter "B", I finally made a decision. It's quite boring compared to my original ideas like Barbarella, Bodybuilder, Burglar (Baby Snatcher)...I decided on a Bell Hop. It's super cute, but I'm kind of hoping it's not really that super short!!! P-Dub has decided to be the Brawny Paper Towel man. Kind of funny.


I had three days left for the year...and they don't roll over. So, I took Monday and today off from work. I didn't realize when I requested the days that Gabby had yesterday off from school, so I actually got a 3 day "alone" vacation...and then Gabby was home last night and off to school this morning. Friday P-Dub, Andrea and I went to see Paranormal Activity . It was my B-Day present for Andrea. The movie was in limited release the weekend before. P-Dub and I were going to go. We both don't "like" scary movies. He doesn't like them at all. I like them ALOT. I LOVE to be scared...but know it has too much of a lasting having to sleep with the lights on. So, I don't usually watch them. In fact, I've only ever seen two scary movies in the theatre... The Ring and The Others . Anyhoo, when P-Dub and I tried to see it last Friday, it was sold out. And then we spent a week thinking about it and hearing about it. I think

More pictures from visiting Carly.

Unfortunately, I didn't take many pictures. Most of them came from my favorite day while I was there and were taken on my phone. On Sunday, we just spend the whole day outside on the screened in porch. Carly slept out there for a really long time. So cute. Jess and Carly right before we drove to the airport. Sleeping in the car. Every single time I go to VA, we end up eating at steakhouses, chili restaurants, taco places...pretty much everywhere that has the exact same kind of food I could get in San Antonio. It's pretty funny. Although I find some way to get a crab cake in. Before we drove to the airport we stopped at this little Mexican restaurant (surprise, surprise) and wouldn't you know it, they actually had a plate named after San Antonio. Hmmm...this looks familiar...see the pic directly below from our trip to Colorado... Carly sleeping at Hard Times. Awww... There's that froggy arm... Fart smile? Sleep Smile? Either way, she's sleeping on my shoulde

My Lovies

Awww...I just found this picture in my phone album. He was so little then. He used to like to just lay in that bowl. The bowl is on my coffee table and has fake lemons in it. So, of course, because he's a DICK, he would knock all the lemons out so he could climb in the bowl. I know it doesn't seem like it, but we do love Apache, too. He just doesn't do anything crazy that we can catch on camera. I didn't understand at all why Black Hawk had started to lay in this peculiar spot. On my night stand table. And then, one day I picked him up and he was so warm. Basically, ever since I got this new lamp, he has been "sunning" himself. We bought these super cute things to go around each cat's neck for Christmas...we were supposed to take pictures of them...but, as you can see...Black Hawk for sure hates it... Thanks to P-Dub, the world will know what my cats and I do all you see how much of the bed I have? That's how it is every night...but

Visiting Carly

Loved holding Jess and Eric's new baby. She's really sweet. And hardly cried at all. I think she's also hilarious and is going to be an extreme handful the older she gets. She really likes sleeping while her dad is mowing the lawn and she really likes you to just pat her butt as hard as you can...example below...can't wait to see her again...

The life of a single mom of a pre-teen.

Feeling better. Thank freakin' goodness! I still have a bit of a cough, but feeling soooo much better. Glad I don't have swine flu. I was scared there for a minute. Junior high with Gabby is very interesting. In one week she has become a very different child. And, it's very challenging. Especially since this summer she spent a lot of time at her dad's, so this weekend she was home and it was especially challenging. It's so much fun, let me tell you. She is very vocal. She has a lot of really interesting things to say. A lot of which is followed by "FINE!", "OKAY!", "THAT'S NOT FAIR", or "GOD!" There's also a lot of foot stomping and door slamming. She also would like me to buy her everything in the world and when I don't I'm the"meanest mom EVER!". She might as well start calling me Mommy Dearest. Yesterday I bought her a cool rainbow colored studded belt from Hot Topic. And, yet, today


Been sick for about a week now. Went to the doc on Friday...he said it's bronchitis. I think it's swine flu. And, it just won't go away. All the meds they gave me make me sicker than when I don't take, I'm not taking them. My other, regular, everyday meds are wrecking havoc on my appetite. I'm down about 15lbs. From not eating basically. Which, sounds really great seeing as how I could really stand to lose some weight. But, this is not the way I want to do it. Getting nauseous and wanting to puke at the sight of any food is not really all that fun. I really love food. I'd like to eat something. For the most part, I forget to eat between breakfast and dinner...and on the weekends...forget it. I don't want anything. I thought I was going to throw up on my desk this morning as I ate my eggs and potatoes. No, really. I was really scared I was going to have to take off running for the bathroom. That would have been embarrassing. P-D

Switchin' it up.

So, they've adjusted my medication again. Double the dose of Prozac, which I'm very happy about. I have totally noticed a difference on Prozac like no other drug I've ever taken. Why didn't I try this sooner? Only drawback is, I no longer want to eat. Yesterday I had a bagel for breakfast and didn't eat again till around 7pm. Ridiculous. But, it's not like I'm starving. I could stand to lose a few. My ADHD meds have been switched from Focalin XR to Vyvanse. I could totally tell a difference yesterday. I was much more focused. It's so weird how basically taking meth calms me down.


This weekend was jammed pack with errands and stuff. I played the Sims3 for about 5 hours on Saturday, and other than that, I never really got to sit still. I took my car in on Saturday because it was shaking horribly whenever I got up 60mph. Ended up having to get 4 new tires and an alignment. Sunday, P-Dub and I went to Joshy's house and stole his couch. He's moving and gave me his old sectional. I LOVE it! P-Dub went to his dad's for dinner and I stayed home and nested. Cleaned, rearranged. Love it! Gabby had to stay at her dad's one more night since I didn't get my car back until today. P-Dub spent the night so he could take me to work. He played the Sims3 and I read my new book. It was so domestic and sweet. I knew I wasn't crazy when I took off Friday from work. I'm working way too hard. Because I have to. Really shouldn't say too much about my job here, so I'll just say that I've been doing too much...alone. And it's kil

I feel like talkin'.

Yesterday I didn't spend as much time with Gabby as I had wanted, but I think we both had a good day anyway. I slept for about three hours in the afternoon and Gabby played with friends and just relaxed. It was a much needed, very good for us, mental health day. I dropped Gabby off at her dad's kind of early, and then came home to be lazy again. P-Dub showed up after the work and the gym and had dinner with Carolyn and Scott at Champ's...which turned into a much longer night than anticipated. Easy to do at Champ's since it's not just food. It was really nice, though. We sat outside and had a few beers. Lots of conversation. And, the live band was amazing. They were playing Ray Lamontagne!!! I couldn't believe it! I love him, and NO ONE plays that stuff in San Antonio. It was good hanging with my sis. I don't do that very much these days. Between work, Gabby, P-Dub, Andrea, and my unfocused, ADHD laziness I tend to get too caught up and not catch

Are you ready? I feel a long one coming on...

Today At 4pm yesterday, I decided I had had enough of work. I've been working my butt off. Staying late, doing over time on Saturdays, and busting my ass doing everything under the sun. So, I took today off!!! I had planned on taking Gabby to Karate and lounging the day away. But, who knew? That I would walk into Gabby's room, climb in bed with her, and ask her if she wanted to stay home with me. She nodded yes, eyes still closed. And I just laid next to her, petting her hair. I can't believe how much "grown" children still look like children when they're sleeping. My daughter, with boobs, crushes, and an attitude, still has the same exact face she did when I brought her home at 2 days old when she's sleeping. I have to remember these moments. Especially when I'm yelling for the 5th time at her to do something and she says, 'You don't have to be a freak and yell. I got this." That's why they look so cute sleeping. Otherwi

Pic of me and Becky on my B-Day at The Falls...What a weird face!!!

Holy, Toledo, I want to go!

New ride on the top of the Stratosphere in Vegas!


...4th of July. P-Dub, Gabby, and I went to my mom and dad's...ate ALOT! Came home...watched a Gabby is playing with friends and P-Dub is sleeping. I turned down going to the Mansion with all my friends...i need some time off...real...quality time off... ...but, I'm bored...

Well, poop!!!

I was going to write a new post...and then I spilled an entire 20 oz. coffee all over the carpet and the wires of the computer. I should just go back to bed.

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

My 32nd birthday was yesterday, and it was pretty awesome. I'm not so freaked out about getting older anymore. Every line on my face is just a reminder of how much I have laughed and cried in my life. A road map basically to the life I've lead up to this point. I took a half day off yesterday, did a little jewelry shopping, and then the festivities began. Andrea got my sister and P-Dub together and planned out the whole night. 1. Went to dinner at Joe's Crab Shack and had giant steam pots of crab legs! Delicious! Andrea, after she promised not to, told Frank the Tank, our waiter, it was my B-Day. He threatened the whole time about making me get up and dance, but I wasn't having it, and basically begged at the end. dancing for me. 2. We came back to my apartment and rushed to get the heck out of here to make it downtown to the Cameo Theatre to see The Fourth Wall . There were only about 12 people in the audience...including was pretty dang aw