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I had three days left for the year...and they don't roll over. So, I took Monday and today off from work. I didn't realize when I requested the days that Gabby had yesterday off from school, so I actually got a 3 day "alone" vacation...and then Gabby was home last night and off to school this morning.

Friday P-Dub, Andrea and I went to see Paranormal Activity. It was my B-Day present for Andrea. The movie was in limited release the weekend before. P-Dub and I were going to go. We both don't "like" scary movies. He doesn't like them at all. I like them ALOT. I LOVE to be scared...but know it has too much of a lasting having to sleep with the lights on. So, I don't usually watch them. In fact, I've only ever seen two scary movies in the theatre...The Ring and The Others. Anyhoo, when P-Dub and I tried to see it last Friday, it was sold out. And then we spent a week thinking about it and hearing about it. I think that's part of the reason it ended up not being so scary.

Plus, we had the craziest audience. A bunch of young people, a bunch of "ghetto" people. They were so ridiculous that mostly Andrea and I just laughed our asses off. At the first part in the movie that was "scary", some girl way up in the back yelled, "Oh heeeelll no!" We DIED laughing. There was a bunch of screaming and stuff too. And everyone else was terrified. Then some guy in the row in front of us kept getting up. He'd come back with drinks and water and start passing them out to his friends. Andrea finally looks at me and said, "What the hell is this? A Mission's baseball game???" I couldn't stop laughing after that either. The theatre was soooo loud! Later in the movie the same girl from before yelled out, "What the hell!!!???" And some other girl (when things were really loud) yelled out, "SERIOUSLY! SHUT UP!!!"

However, Andrea and P-Dub usually get more scared than I do. When we watched The Strangers at my apartment, I had to "take care" of them. But I was the jumpy one in this movie. I think if you rent it and watch it in your house with all the lights off, it will be terrifying. If you don't read or watch too many things about it, you'll probably be scared too. Unfortunately, the previews show you just about all the "scary" parts of the movie.

Saturday P-Dub and I woke up kind of late, and laid around. Finally we got up and did some running around. Spent a long time at Wal-Mart. Went to Petco. Then we went by a Honda dealership so P-Dub could test drive a car. He's probably going to be getting a new Honda Accord Coup sometime in the next couple of weeks. I've never met anyone who takes so long to buy something in my life.

Then Andrea called and invited us over to play cards at her house with Becky and Kevin and this guy Grant. I wasn't really in a drinking mood, but then Andrea suggested I have a hot tottie with this whiskey a friend of hers brought from Ireland. So, I had that...and then I had three diet cokes with the whiskey. I was WASTED! I totally made a fool of myself too. For some reason I became really argumentative and a little beligerant with Grant, Keven and Andrea. Andrea and Kevin were amused, but Grant was not. But, that's ok, because that guy's a dick. Anyway...they all left and the next thing I know I'm sobbing. SOBBING!!! P-Dub got me home and I don't remember anything else.

I don't know if it's because I haven't been drinking. Maybe it was the whiskey. Or maybe I just can't mix my medications (Prozac and Vyvanse) with liquor. I didn't have a problem when I was at Jess' and we drank wine all day long. Who knows. I just know that it made me seriously never want to drink again. I couldn't recover quickly and I completely made a fool of myself. P-Dub said I was kind of mean to him, too and wanted to sleep on the kitchen floor. Ugh. Not good.

Sunday I woke up late again. Just could not recover to save my life. I don't even remember what we did. I think I just laid around and P-Dub watched football. Then we both fell asleep. I woke feeling terrible. Got some food, watched TV, and then we went to bed.

Monday P-Dub went to work. I don't even remember him leaving. I woke barely able to move. In soooo much pain. And I started my stupid period. Maybe that explains the anger and tears from Saturday. I dragged myself to the shower, which only helped a little. But, I got myself up, got some Starbuck's and met my parents for some shopping. I got the most gorgeous pair of boots and a new coat I'm very excited about. I usually only have a black leather coat for winter or a bit "run around" jacket. It's not like I get much of a chance to wear coats in Texas, but I hope I can wear this one a little more often. It's kind of a pea coat...but a little different and it's mustard yellow. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! And then my dad got me a couple of super cute argyle sweaters for work.

And now it's Tuesday. Gabby set her alarm and got up for school all by herself. She only woke me up to tell me she was walking to the bus. I got a bagel and coffee. And have still been laying around. Screwing around on the computer. I'm a little bored. I guess I could be productive. Clean. Do laundry. Something. I'll think about it. Back to work tomorrow.

Work has been so hectic, and I've been letting it get to me way to much. I really, really needed this time off.

OH! Last Saturday I went to see Mama Mia with Joy, Becky and Andrea. Not so good. I wouldn't recommend. it. But, we had a lot of fun. Say the show and then headed to the River Walk for dinner. Had some seafood at Joe's Crabshack. Then we headed to this martini bar on the River Walk...Swig. We LOVE it there. We have a friend who's the bartender and she's always great. But, on the way to Swig, there was some guy smoking a pipe on one of the bridges. Andrea thought he was pretty cute and was checking him out. Then Becky realized he was the lead male character in Mama Mia. So, they stopped to ask him if he was...and he was. They chatted for a few and then we went into Swig. Once in there, I asked Andrea why the hell she didn't ask to buy him a martini. She agreed and got up to go ask him. But, she chickened out and came back. She said, "Why the hell do I have to do it?" And I replied, "Because you're the single one!" "Oh, yea", she said. And went out and brought him back. He was super nice. John Hemphill. Later we found out he's actually been in quite a few TV shows and stuff. He finished his martini (a Wedding Cake...YUM!) and then said, "Well, I've got to go...I have to get ready for the next show." Awesome.

Joy and Becky at Joe's Crabshack

We each got a Shark Bite at Joe's Crabshack. They came complete with these cute little Mardi Gras Crawfish. They were just hanging out with us.

Dre getting her crab on.

Some random staircase on the River Walk I took a picture of while taking a smoke break outside of Joe's. I love the River Walk. I just think it's cool that there are these random staircases that actually go up to where people live.

I know it's tiny...but this is John Hemphill from Mama Mia that we had a martini with.

We went back to Joy and Tybor's for a little while. P-Dub met me over there, and then I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I had to go home...around like 10pm. Hanging out with P-Dub...staying home a lot more...etc...has really made me not so fun and wild all the time. I'm pretty sure that's a good thing though.

Well, enough catch up for now I guess. Everything is good. I've been super stressed about work, but that seems to be getting better, and taking these days off definitely helped. I hope. I'm looking to find some hobbies so I can not be so "involved" with work. Getting back to the gym would be good.

P-Dub and I are great. I never really know what to say about all of that. It's just so normal and good. No drama. Nothing too exciting. Well, it's all exciting to me. I love him sooooo much. Just keep your fingers crossed that maybe it will work out completely if you know what I mean. I'll say more over at True Romance? Just in case he ever reads this blog. He has access to this one, but not that one.

He started doing Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago and has lost 10.4 lbs. in 2 weeks. So, I'm staring on Wednesday. Super excited about it actually. His step dad lost 35 lbs. in a month and a half.

I cut and dyed my hair a couple of weeks ago. I love the color. I love the cut, too. But, ever since I got the stupid haircut, it's been rainy and humid here, so I end up pulling my bangs back because I just don't want to deal with them in the humidity. My bone straight hair is not so bone straight anymore. My hairdresser says it's hormones. Especially after you've had a baby. Even after being flat ironed it just gets wavy. Ugh. I hate it.

This is the new cut and color. I just woke up so I look terrible. It's not even brushed. But, this is all I got for now.

Gabby got layers and bangs too. She's such a little pre-teen. It's funny and cute. I'm starting to like her again. :) There's just something about the age of 8-10 that is yucky or something. I'm sure I won't like her again once she's around 13-15, but for now even her attitude and mouth are somewhat amusing. And she's much easier to communicate with.


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