Awww...I just found this picture in my phone album. He was so little then. He used to like to just lay in that bowl. The bowl is on my coffee table and has fake lemons in it. So, of course, because he's a DICK, he would knock all the lemons out so he could climb in the bowl. I know it doesn't seem like it, but we do love Apache, too. He just doesn't do anything crazy that we can catch on camera.

I didn't understand at all why Black Hawk had started to lay in this peculiar spot. On my night stand table. And then, one day I picked him up and he was so warm. Basically, ever since I got this new lamp, he has been "sunning" himself.

We bought these super cute things to go around each cat's neck for Christmas...we were supposed to take pictures of them...but, as you can see...Black Hawk for sure hates it...

Thanks to P-Dub, the world will know what my cats and I do all day...do you see how much of the bed I have? That's how it is every night...but I do LOVE it!

Black Hawk is such a dick. That's all P-Dub and I say now..."Black Hawk, you're such a DICK!" Apache will just be laying there...sleeping, chillin', relaxin', getting some attention...and the next thing you know, Black Hawk will just come over and sit on him or lay on him or something...it's hard to tell because they're both black, but you can see Black Hawk has his leg draped across Apache's head...he basically just walked up and laid right on top of Apache.

F U, Black Hawk...you're so cute and I can't resist you, but, yes, you're such a DICK!