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Been sick for about a week now. Went to the doc on Friday...he said it's bronchitis. I think it's swine flu. And, it just won't go away. All the meds they gave me make me sicker than when I don't take, I'm not taking them.

My other, regular, everyday meds are wrecking havoc on my appetite. I'm down about 15lbs. From not eating basically. Which, sounds really great seeing as how I could really stand to lose some weight. But, this is not the way I want to do it. Getting nauseous and wanting to puke at the sight of any food is not really all that fun. I really love food. I'd like to eat something. For the most part, I forget to eat between breakfast and dinner...and on the weekends...forget it. I don't want anything. I thought I was going to throw up on my desk this morning as I ate my eggs and potatoes. No, really. I was really scared I was going to have to take off running for the bathroom. That would have been embarrassing.

P-Dub sent me texts all day trying to remind me to eat a little something...even if it was just an apple or yogurt or something. I finally got down some oatmeal...and now I'm pretty much starving so I'm gonna try some Chik-fil-a.

This weekend was terrible. Gabby was at her dad's, so P-Dub and I just hung out...did nothing really...actually I can't even remember if we watched a movie or had dinner or anything. I think he brought me Subway. Then I took the damn steroid and Codeine cough medicine for the bronchitis and that was the beginning of a very, very long night. Didn't get to bed until 5am. And, I was really trying to sleep. I was exhausted, but just couldn't sleep. Same thing happened on Saturday night. That's when I decided the steroid before bed was not a good thing. And turns out I have some weird reaction to Codeine...headaches, super nausea, etc. It's the second time it's happened after I took something with Codeine in it in the past year.

Saturday we drove around all day. Looking at cool, old, expensive houses...went to home goods store that is my new favorite, West Elm. I was feeling a little better...or so I thought, and we went to hit some golf balls with Carolyn and Scott. That was fun, but I was tired and yucky, yucky, yucky feeling.

Picked up Gabby yesterday and we got everything ready for her big day of junior high today. She took the bus for the first time. She said it was a lot of fun. I'm very pleased that everything went as smoothly as it did. Especially, since I was pretty much not prepared until yesterday.

I'm going to lay down. I wish I could just go to bed now. Exhausted and tired of feeling like this. Out of my whole team of 5 at work, only one has not been sick yet. One person has pneumonia, I have bronchitis, and two others were out with strep throat today. We're just passing it around. The doc told me on Friday that I'm pretty lucky and probably won't get pneumonia because the antibiotic I take everyday is what they use to treat pneumonia...and least the bacterial, it's probably viral and just has to run its course...


Jessiedc28 said…
Sorry you're sick! Hope you're better for your trip to VA!
Me too!!! If it lasts that long, I give up.

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