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The life of a single mom of a pre-teen.

Feeling better. Thank freakin' goodness! I still have a bit of a cough, but feeling soooo much better. Glad I don't have swine flu. I was scared there for a minute.

Junior high with Gabby is very interesting. In one week she has become a very different child. And, it's very challenging. Especially since this summer she spent a lot of time at her dad's, so this weekend she was home and it was especially challenging. It's so much fun, let me tell you. She is very vocal. She has a lot of really interesting things to say. A lot of which is followed by "FINE!", "OKAY!", "THAT'S NOT FAIR", or "GOD!" There's also a lot of foot stomping and door slamming.

She also would like me to buy her everything in the world and when I don't I'm the"meanest mom EVER!". She might as well start calling me Mommy Dearest. Yesterday I bought her a cool rainbow colored studded belt from Hot Topic. And, yet, today at Target when I wouldn't buy her a shirt with more skulls on it (yes, she's very much into the skulls and crossbones thing...but at least it's in a happy "pink" way...not all black), I became "NOT COOL!" I don't know why I even try or bother. She knows everything. Ugh. I don't remember being like that, but I'm sure I was. I'm sure I was worse. I didn't know stubbornness could be passed on like the shape of my nose.

Last night we watched a video of her when she was around 1 1/2. I've seen it a million times and didn't quite notice that she really never listened to me then either. But, P-Dub was here watching too, and he made sure to laugh at all the times I called her name and she looked away...or I told her to not do something and she continue to do it. Pig headed. That's a good description...and apparently there's a very dominant "pig headed" gene that runs in my family. It can be a good when you want to stand up for something you believe in...but not so much when you want to have your way all the time.

My family is way too good at the guilting and manipulation. I'll have to blog over at True Romance? for more. I'm really, really bad at all of that. And, it's really not cool or conducive to a healthy I am slowly learning...getting through my own thick skull. Nor is it a very productive way of parenting.'s been a weird...not very restful weekend. I didn't get much sleep last night, but I guess Friday night I actually did sleep a lot.

Also, Friday...Andrea threw a mini-house warming party with just girls. So, it was just her mom, her sister-in-law, her niece, me, Gabby, Kelly, Becky, Joy, Rachel, Lisa and Ali with her 8 day old baby Jude. It was fun. Gabby and Andrea's niece Gia bonded like crazy. I wish I had taken pictures. Andrea has put a lot of work into her house and it looks awesome!

I had the house buying bug for a little while there, but I think I'm going to be content signing a year lease at my apartment and spending the next year saving up and becoming a little more financially independent. I've pretty quit going out and drinking. That is saving me TONS of money. Now I just need to quit eating out so much...or randomly buying crap I don't need. It would also save me a lot of money if Gabby could hold of on wanting so many new clothes.

So, that's pretty much it for now. I need to rest a little bit. I had a panic attack at Target. Way too much stimulation. Between drinking a giant cup of coffee, feeling claustrophobic with all the Sunday shopper, and Gabby asking for everything under the sun, I thought I was going to scream. I actually can't wait to go to work tomorrow just to sit at my desk with my headphones one and have some quiet time. I don't know which is harder...a baby or a pre-teen. Thinking about having a baby sounds awesome...and I would really like that, but you should definitely have ALL of your children before any of them hit the pre-teen age...that might keep me from EVER having any more children. The next 7 years might be the death of me. I'd take a crying baby anyday. Maybe all children should be sent away from their parents between 11 and 16, 17. And, they're not cute enough like babies to be as forgiving.

Just need to finish up laundry (dryer still broken). I hate line-dried clothing. There's is nothing clean smelling and great about it. It just smells like dirt and the outside. Nature does not smell good. Then I'm going by Andrea's to take her a couple of lamps and chill. My apartment is a disaster and looks like a Chinese laundromat. Clothes everywhere from not being able to wash a whole. I like being at her clean house better.


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