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I feel like talkin'.


I didn't spend as much time with Gabby as I had wanted, but I think we both had a good day anyway. I slept for about three hours in the afternoon and Gabby played with friends and just relaxed. It was a much needed, very good for us, mental health day.

I dropped Gabby off at her dad's kind of early, and then came home to be lazy again. P-Dub showed up after the work and the gym and had dinner with Carolyn and Scott at Champ's...which turned into a much longer night than anticipated. Easy to do at Champ's since it's not just food. It was really nice, though. We sat outside and had a few beers. Lots of conversation. And, the live band was amazing. They were playing Ray Lamontagne!!! I couldn't believe it! I love him, and NO ONE plays that stuff in San Antonio.

It was good hanging with my sis. I don't do that very much these days. Between work, Gabby, P-Dub, Andrea, and my unfocused, ADHD laziness I tend to get too caught up and not catch up with people I need to.


P-Dub and I were up super early this morning. Seven thirty I think. He went into work for a couple of hours. I got gas, some breakfast, and went to the bank. Now I'm just killing time till he leaves work and then we'll take my car in for some much needed TLC, go to the gym, and then I think we're doing a little shopping today. I need some perfume, and he needs some T-shirts. There are some other things I'm supposed to do today, but I can't think of all of them right now. I need to be writing this crap down!!! Oh, I need to drop off some prescriptions I think, and go back to the bank because I forgot a birthday check from my uncle on the table. Of course. Forgetful, forgetful me.

We only had a few beers last night, but it just takes me so long to recover from any amount of alcohol these days. I feel yucky!!! I should just stick to one glass of wine. Knocks me out and I don't feel bad. I really shouldn't be drinking hardly at all with all the meds I'm on either.

Andrea's House

Last night Andrea texted me and said she got the house she put an offer on the day before! I'm really excited for her. I know she's really looking forward to this, and she definitely needs something good in her life. Her dad just had surgery this past week for esophigeal cancer (I know I horribly misspelled that!) He came through the surgery great and now she'll be a home owner. As much as she pretends not to be, she's extremely domestic, and I know it's been hard on her to live with her partents and not get to cook, garden, etc.

Funny, though, she asked if I would ever even go to her house. I don't know. I have such an issue with that. P-Dub said that when he gets his own place I'll have to go stay there sometimes...and I said I didn't think so. I just love being in my own place. Hate going to others.

Gabby is in junior high!!!

August is almost here and it will be very, very busy. Gabby starts junior high! Can you believe it???!!! I can't. We have an orientation at her new (very BIG) school on the 14th, and there will be lots and lots of shopping, etc. to do. I'm a little worried because her school is in a very upscale district. All the reviews I've read online from parents and students say the same things. "The school is awesome academically. Very, very tough socially." Apparently the cliques are really bad with all the really rich, beautiful kids and their designer clothes. I hope my "hot topic" girl will be able to hold her own. She's such a good hearted kid. I just don't want her to be teased or anything. But, she'll be ok. She's pretty tough sometimes and she's never had problems making friends before. In fact, she's always been very popular. But, junior high is tough! Things change.

Jess' Baby

And, then comes the beginning of September when I get to hold Jessica and Eric's new little bundle of joy. I can't wait!!!! I don't think I'll be able to put it down. Yes "it"! Since they refuse to find out the sex! I really want her to have a girl, but I found this onesie I really want to get them and it would be better if it was a boy. Just for that reason. Maybe it can be a boy for one day to wear it. I'll be there for about 4 days. P-Dub better watch out when I come home! My 32 year old body can't get that biological clock to stop ticking!! Even though my mind is like, "Remeber being up every two hours? NO SLEEP!? Diapers? One year walking? Potty training???!!!" Awww....but all that stuff is really great too. I know P-Dub really wants to be a dad...once he's married, etc....the right way. Will that be with me? Who knows? It would be really great, though.


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