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Can you believe it?

I got my very first speeding ticket. I'd say that's pretty good for 11 years of driving, but it SUCKS!!! I had a ticket once when I was 18 for an improper lane change, but other than that, my driving record has been clean! He totally got me, too! I was about 2 miles from my house...coming down a hill, barefoot, with cleavage all over the place because I had gone to JC's work party the night before and spent the night at his apartment. He got me doing 41 in a 30. I was so pissed! He wasn't even SAPD, he was a constable. I have court on Jan. 30. UGH!!!

JC: It's actually kind of funny!!! *Chuckles*

Me: Is it? Then you pay for it! *obvious annoyance!*

JC: Ok, maybe it's not so funny...*head hanging*

The party was great...except we got kicked out around 1am because one of the managers got really drunk and misplaced her keys. She ran around the restaurant yelling at people...Screaming, "There's always got to be a thief!!!" She was a little off her rocker. They tried to lock us in and not let us go home, but that's just nuts, so JC, Ali, and I emptied our pockets for these 16 year old kids guarding the doors. So, it was cool up until then. Since JC and his roommate Ali just started working there they didn't know that many people, and this restaurant has a HUGE staff, so we kind of just hung out on our own. Two other employees of JC's night job work there, too, so it was kind of like hanging out on a regular night. A lot of the employees were under age and had to sit at the "cookie table". I felt rather old. I mean JC, who's five years younger than me was looking old compared to some of those people. But free beers and free margaritas!

I had so much to say this morning. I was in a rather foul mood. I was so angry with the daycare that Gabby goes to before and after school, and I really just wanted to tell the director off...something I don't do. But I had it in me this morning. I'm going to find a new place.


...If I get a job that starts at 8 in the morning I won't need before school care anymore. And then I'm hauling her out of that place, and giving that guy a piece of my mind. They are constantly changing their money rules around, and I can't complain much because I'm the one that threw away this packet they gave us a couple of years ago with all the rules that are somehow not in practice anymore with no written warning! I could go on forever about this unclean it is for a daycare (but I always's not like Gabby has to be there all day), how unruly all those children are, how one crazy kid has attacked two boys and told Gabby he wanted to kill her, which scared the crap out of her. I should call someone to have them inspected when I pull Gabby out. I have to give them 30 days notice, too. Double UGH!

I have since calmed down. So, I'm not sure I have much more to say. I was going to go about how I finally figured out what it is that Josh does that makes him so...ummm..."unique"...ok, ok, ok...I gotta be me...and makes him so annoying to me...I used to think that he just talked to hear himself talk, and he does, but it's more than that...he lets that little voice inside his head...his innter monologue if you will...just...out...he actually speaks it out loud to me. Those little conversations you have in your head? He voices the same kind of speech pattern you would use to yourself! I'm so glad I finally figured out a way to explain it. But I also had a thought today...maybe that's why he's such a care free, laid back person...he lets "it" out, ya know? I don't. I hold things down deep inside, and even though it presents itself in the form of some pretty severe depression, I now kind of believe that what I really am is a big angry ball of angry angriness. And I don't let it out nearly enough because I just want to please people, and I just want to make everything better for other people. And what happens...I get stepped on. I spend so much time caring about someone else, and they take advantage of it, and don't give out nearly enough of the same kind of caring. I am not here to just fill someone's void because I'm a bag of flesh. I mean, I don't mind filling a void if it's ME you want to fill it. But if anyone with a heartbeat can fill that spot, then don't count on me!

Wow! Anger Anger Anger! Ok, I'm finishing this up! Time to fill out some applications.

Gabby goes to her dad's tonight until Saturday. JC's youngest brother is in town, and we're going out to the karaoke place tonight. Saturday I have to pick up Gabby, curl her hair, and get everything ready for Christmas day! Then I leave the day after Christmas to drive to Dallas. Wish me luck that it doesn't snow! My mom is banning me from going if it snows because "I don't have the right tires!" Gabby goes back to her dad's on Christmas night until New Year's Eve. Then home for a couple of days before school starts.

~Gabby and I had such a wonderful morning! I pulled a muscle in my leg from 5 hours of shopping with my mom and sister. Not kidding. I really did! See, Ray is GREAT cardio! So, anyway, my leg has been killing me. I woke up way before the alarm went off because of the pain, and so then when the alarm did go off, I actually woke Gabby up at 6 instead of hitting snooze until 630. We got to spend that extra time together with tickling and snuggling and laughing instead of running late as usual. Maybe I should be grateful for the pain in my leg. But if it wakes me up again tonight I might cut it off.


Jessiedc28 said…
Ok so question:

Who took the Managers keys?
HA!!! Get this...well, the answer comes from JC, who might of got it from god knows who knows if it's reliable kind of thing...BUT...She left them in the backseat of someone else's car! Or at least that's where they were found.

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