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First off I remembered a couple of the other movies I watched:

1. Friends with Money...It was good. Ok I guess is more like it.

2. The Holiday...LOVED this one...I could watch it over and over and over again.

I started watching the Party of Five DVDs and can't stop! They're just too good! I also rented The Last King of Scotland, The Devil Wears Prada, and One Night with the King...I'll let you know how that goes.

In trying to "get better" and progress I've been doing a little self exploration in order to find out who I am, where I'm going, and to just basically get so that I love myself. Part of that is working on why I'm such a mess with relationships.

A little while before I met JC I was talking to Ray Ray the Killer about what I was looking for in a guy. He asked and I responded, "Someone who lives on his own, can do his own laundry, and can balance his own checkbook." Ray Ray said, "That's it?" And, yea...that was it...I had had much less before that. So, I met JC...he lived on his own, could do his own laundry, including iron, and he didn't have a checking account, so he didn't need to balance his checkbook. I found everything I had been looking for...literally. But...what was I thinking? Yes...this was a step above what I had had before that...but now I think I know a little more about what I want...

1. Someone who doesn't live at home with his parent's.
2. Someone who can do their own laundry.
3. Someone who can balance his own checkbook
4. Someone who has a car.
5. Someone who works normal hours...and likes working...but not too much.
6. Someone who likes to get up early on the least on Saturday...and maybe lay around on Sundays.
7. Someone who likes to get up and get coffee and bagels and read the paper
8. Someone who loves his own family and wants to have a family
9. Someone with devotion
10. Someone who is unfailingly honest
11. Someone who likes to communicate and have conversations
12. Someone who likes to be silly and laugh

I have to think of some more...I wasn't prepared enough...I run over to my parent's to use the computer and then I forget everything! I may be asking for too much now...but I don't think I've set the bar too high...But at least I'm getting together that list of things I'm looking for instead of just long as you don't live with your parent's I'll take you...even though that person could be failing at everything else in his life.


Anonymous said…
Your list just described my husband!! :) I did the same thing, made a list after my divorce. And you know what? IT WORKED. I didn't date guys that didn't meet the criteria--didn't even DATE them! When Chuck and I met he hit every bullet on my list-we were engaged in 6 monhts and married within 11 months of our meeting. People thought we moved too fast-but he was EVERYTHING I ever wanted in a man....why wait? This is a great list Liz (but you need to add, "loves my daughter"...) :)
Jessiedc28 said…

I love your list. Deannie made one of these FOR ME when I was dating. =)

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